Loe raamatut: «Notes and Queries, Number 197, August 6, 1853», lehekülg 7


Important Caution.—Many invalids having been seriously injured by spurious imitations under closely similar names, such as Ervalenta, Arabaca, and others, the public will do well to see that each canister bears the name Barry, Du Barry & Co., 77. Regent Street, London, in full, without which none is genuine.



(The Horticultural Part edited by PROF. LINDLEY,)

Of Saturday, July 30, contains Articles on

Agriculture, history of Scottish

Agricultural College examination papers

Annuals, new

Azaleas, to propagate

Books noticed

Brick burning, a nuisance

Cabbages, club in

Calendar, horticultural

–– agricultural

Carrot rot, by Dr. Reissek

Carts v. waggons

Cedar, gigantic

Cockroaches, to kill

Cycas revoluta, by Mr. Ruppen

Drainage bill, London

Forests, royal

Fruits, wearing out of

–– disease in stone, by M. Ysabeau

Fumigator, Geach's, by Mr. Forsyth

Guano, new source of

Honey, thin

Horticultural Society

Horticultural Society's garden

Machine tools

Manures, concentrated

–– liquid, by Mr. Bardwell

Marvel of Peru

Mechi's (Mr.) gathering

Mirabilis Jalapa

New Forest

Plant, hybrid

Potatoes, Bahama

Potato disease

–– origin of

Poultry, metropolitan show of

Races, degeneracy of

Roses, Tea

–– from cuttings

Soil and its uses, by Mr. Morton

Strawberry, Nimrod, by Mr. Spencer

Truffles, Irish

Vegetables, lists of

Violet, Neapolitan

Waggons and carts

Wax insects (with engraving)

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