
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction. Volume 19, No. 536, March 3, 1832

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The Gatherer

Shakspeare and Garrick.—At the opening dinner of the Garrick Club, the company forgot to drink the Memory of SHAKSPEARE; and the health of our living dramatists was only proposed when the party had dwindled from 200 to 20! Where would be the fame of Garrick but for Shakspeare.

Talent has lately been liberally marked by royal favour. Among the last batch of knights are Mr. Smirke, the architect; Dr. Meyrick, the celebrated antiquarian scholar; and Col. Trench.

"Passing Strange."—The Court Journal, speaking of the deputation of boys from Christ's Hospital at the Drawing-room, says, "The number of boys appointed to attend on this occasion is 40; but, owing to the indisposition of one of them, there were no more than 39 present."

Millinery Authorship.—"We must acknowledge our prejudice in favour of an opportunity for the display of that most courtly of all materials, the train of Genoa velvet; where (as Lord Francis Levison expresses it)

Finger-deep the rich embroidery stiffens.
Court Journal.

In a puff precipitate of a play, we are told that M– "is pleased with his character."

Two cats were placed within a cage,
And resolving to quarrel, got into a rage,
They fought so clean, and fought so clever,
The devil a bit was left of either.