
Update the Diary

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Now the medicine is already starting to work.

Bye, Diary.

Day 21.

Hello, Diary.

Today is December 2, 2068, Friday.

On the street -6, snow.

06:32. Yesterday, He came to me after a competition where he took first place in the steeplechase and second in the long jump.

This time, He was able to persuade the nurse to let me go outside, and I took the opportunity to take my tablet with me.

We were walking in the square near the hospital. Then I was tired and sat down on a bench, and He asked me to draw a picture of him. He really liked the result, although there were better works than this one, and then gave us the address of his blog so that we could correspond.

Then our walk continued until the time ran out.

I am happy that He is worried about me and often visits me.

11:31. I'll be released on the sixth, and I'll let Him and my mother know.

12:48. Rowley calls every 3 hours and asks about my health, brings me sweets every day. They're all I eat here.

She was very scared when I passed out during the walk, so she doesn't mention the compatibility test or Emet anymore.

14:52. Yuna showed me the waterfall. It is incredibly beautiful, especially the rainbow next to it. I wish I could have gone with my classmates.

The people are worried about me and wished me a speedy recovery.

15:01. I took a picture of our family for medallions in honor of the anniversary. On December 15, parents will take the test again.

16: 29. My dad came to pick me up and took me for a couple of hours. We stopped at my favorite cafe and bought doughnuts. I finally got out of the hospital walls.

17:36. Nora said she and Mary would visit me tomorrow. We hadn't seen each other since my birthday, so I missed them.

19:47. He came to me again and brought me another bouquet. We didn't go for a walk, but we still chatted until the end of reception time.

I hope He doesn't have any problems with his lessons because of me.

22:42. I need to go to sleep soon, so that the new day will come earlier, and I will see my niece.

Bye, Diary.

Day 22.

Hello, Diary.

Today is December 3, 2068, Saturday.

On the street -5, clear.

10:24. I am glad that He comes to me every day, brings me his favorite sweets, and in his spare time writes to me on the blog. I don't want it to stop.

13: 42. Mary and Nora will arrive after 15: 00 and take me home.

14:27. I told Rowley I wouldn't be in the hospital. She sounded sad during the call, but when I asked her why, she said it was all right.

15:33. My niece really liked the portrait I drew, and my sister promised to print it out and hang it at home.

15:42. We stopped at a pizza place.

16: 48. Becky has grown up, now she really looks like a cloud. Mary showed them all the commands they had learned in class.

I think they will be able to win a prize in the competition.

21:32. After a snack, we went to the national Park. During this period, there are many fawns, and I have long wanted to draw them, but they did not want to let us go there with Becky, until Nora provided a veterinary passport confirming the dog's lack of ability to aggression.

In the Park we did not have to look for deer for a long time, they did not hide at all. There were a lot of them, and I was able to make good sketches. We also saw an owl and Mary was even able to photograph a Fox! We had a good day. Especially when they were running after Becky trying to catch a squirrel.

She should tell him and Rowley about it, maybe it would cheer her up.

21:56. The nurse gave me a packet of my favorite cookies when I arrived at the hospital and said: “Your friend was looking for you and asked me to tell you as soon as you got back.”

I apologized to Him on my blog for not telling him I was leaving, and He wrote that he was used to walking to the hospital in the evening. Then I told Him the story from the Park. I hope He wasn't too upset when he didn't find me in the room.

22:52. It's time to go to bed, otherwise the tablet will be taken away again.

Bye, Diary.

Day 23.

Hello, Diary.

Today is Monday, December 5, 2068.

On the street -7, clear.

12:21. I feel much better, I think it's because of Him, because now I can be with him.

19:11. He came in at 18: 14 when Rowley was visiting me, and I had to introduce them. Then she left, leaving us alone.

I don't think Rowley will be satisfied tomorrow until I tell her everything I know about him.

We were walking in the square. It was getting colder in the evening, and I was only wearing my autumn coat, so we went back to the waiting room. I didn't want to leave, but He promised to wait for me and gave me my favorite doughnuts for dessert. But how did He know I liked them? Maybe He was watching me, too.

23:23. After the end of the reception time, we talked for a long time through the window.

He told me that he had a pet, but my father was allergic, and now they are looking for a new home for the cat, and then showed me photos of the kitten, which was just a baby with black fur, green eyes and a pink nose.

I will ask my parents if we can have a cat, if my mother is against it, then I will talk to the doctor, and he will convince her of the benefits of the pet.

He left just 10 minutes ago, and I'm already bored.

23:46. I made a couple of sketches of His kitten, by the way, her name is Yoru. He said it meant night.

23:53. Time for bed. I'll be released tomorrow, and I'll be able to study with Him again.

Bye, Diary.

Day 24.

Hello, Diary.

Today is December 6, 2068, Tuesday.

On the street -3, Sunny.

13:31. In the hospital, I had a good rest, heard many funny stories, played all the Board games that were in our Department, saw old friends and met new ones. Be fun. I hope I never come back here again.

14: 20. Home, sweet home, how I missed my native walls.

17:48. I talked to my parents about a kitten, and they agreed to have one.

It turned out that my doctor had already sent a letter of recommendation to the pet protection system, and we received permission to own a pet a year ago.

But they used to say to me, “Norma, you won't pay enough attention to the animal” and they refused, and now it seems that they are ready to fulfill any of my wishes.

18:19. I wrote to Him that I could take Yoru to my home; And He was very happy about it and gave his mother the number. They discussed all the details of moving the Yoru to us. And He asked me to meet him in the Park and take a little walk.

23:33. Why does time fly so fast when I spend it with Him? I want this hour to last forever.

We walked across the bridge and looked at the city lights. Then He suggested that we go up to the balcony on the 105th floor, where we had a great view.

We looked at the Windows and tried to make figures out of the lighted ones, as they usually do with clouds or stars. Then we went to the store and bought coffee, thinking about the possibility of immortality, sometimes joking and laughing for a long time, and then silent, lost in their own thoughts.

It was the best night of my life.

23:38. *To change the password 113068 on 120668. *

01:21. The mode went wrong again. Time for bed.

Bye, Diary.

Day 25.

Hello, Diary.

Today is Thursday, December 8, 2068.

It's -4 outside, cloudy.

14:27. I am free from school for the rest of the week, so I spend my days drawing and creating graphic projects to keep up with the school curriculum.

Classmates yesterday returned from a tour, Yuna sent many photos of caves, mountains and rock paintings. She goes to a photo club, just like Rowley, who goes to a professional group because she wants to be a photographer, and a classmate goes to an Amateur group.

15:42. * Diary, it's high time I introduced you to Yuna Temiko. *

We met at the fourth stage in the class of the artistic image of the sign, when we were given a pair of project on symbolic transmission of thought, in which it was necessary to depict each other's thoughts. So we became friends, began to have lunch together and spend big breaks talking about beautiful things.

My friend is a shy, modest, caring, naive and indecisive girl.

She attracts people with her calm and quiet nature and is always ready to help and support her friends. Like Hestia, Yuna protects her loved ones.

Dark shoulder-length hair, brown eyes, average height and weight – her appearance is unremarkable.

* End of Dating. *

16:46. I went to the jewelry stores and found the right medallions for my parents, so I need to talk to Nora and buy them. I also went to the print shop and printed out photos of the best evening walk for the album.

18:34. Mary and Becky have a competition tomorrow. I know that she is very worried and worried, so I called her. Mary said that she would definitely wear a pendant that brings good luck and was given by her father on his 6th birthday.

23:52. We corresponded with Him again late into the night and discussed the future.

After his admission to the criminal procedure code for an athlete, we will see each other less often, but no one has canceled the correspondence in the blog, and on weekends, we will be able to go out together or with the people to entertainment centers, festivals or concerts.

01:19. Rowley called 17 times and my phone was turned off. I'll call her back later.

Bye, Diary.

Day 26.

Hello, Diary.

Today is Friday, December 9, 2068.

On the street -5 Sunny.


07:37. Mary's competition starts at 10: 30.

10: 27. My niece is very worried and this is transmitted to Becky, but I was able to calm them down.

This tournament is held in 3 stages:

1) Checking the owner's basic training skills.

Also, at this stage, they conduct a simulation of aggressive behavior of the dog in virtual reality, where I take into account the speed of reaction and decision-making of its owner.

According to the rules, at the first signs of rabies, the owner must introduce a tranquilizer to his pet, and then take it to a veterinary clinic.

2) Check the dog's abilities, its orientation skills and search for hidden objects by smell. In this part of the tournament, the pet must save the owner, who is in danger.

3) Check the interaction between the dog and its owner, perform various tricks and pass the obstacle course.

The final test is to protect the owner from attack, where the dog must immobilize the attacker while its owner reports the incident to the security services.

I'm worried about Mary, because it's probably going to be difficult for her to give Becky a sleeping pill, even if it's in virtual reality.

11:06. The first stage is complete! We were able to observe Mary's actions during the virtual test, and she managed it in 49.345 seconds. I still can't believe it. My pretty niece has no doubt put Becky to sleep, and she's become a responsible host. I'm proud of her.

We'll find out in a couple of minutes if Becky will participate in the second stage, otherwise we'll go eat our favorite pancakes.

11:12. They go through to the second stage!

Now it's cloud's turn to show what she can do for her mistress.

Her niece is worried about her, just like the rest of us.

11: 28. Cloud has passed the maze! Now she needs to find Mary's hidden purse.

11:33. She's done it! Now remains the most difficult test.

11:35. They were tested by fire. Becky must go into the burning room, find the hidden Mary, and bring her out.

11:48. As soon as our cloud heard Mary's call, it threw itself into the fire. The other dogs who were doing this task got scared and didn't go into the burning room at all, but Becky did it! She pulled the man out of the fire.

The final stage remains.

12: 14. Mary and Becky are next on the carpet, wearing identical costumes.

12:33. They had a colorful performance, rich in different tricks, they inserted a small fragment of the dance, which amazed the audience.

12:38. They passed the obstacle course! The attack remains.

12:46. I was very scared when Becky jumped on the “thief” and knocked him to the ground. I thought that she started uncontrollable aggression, but she let go of the “fraudster” and just wouldn't let him get up, scaring him by barking. During this time, Mary managed to make a call.

It's only been 36 days, and they understand each other as if they've been together all their lives. The award ceremony starts at 15: 00, so we go to the cafe for a snack.

15:16. They received a diploma of the third degree! I'm so happy. Today we should definitely hold a holiday in honor of this. With such achievements, she will definitely be able to become a dog handler in the future. We need to tell Him about it.

16:17. Mary wanted to visit her father to tell him about the tournament and introduce him to Becky, so we went to rebirth grove.

17:28. We stopped next to a maple tree. He's grown a lot since the last time I saw him. At first, I even doubted whether we came to the same tree, but the sign with the inscription: “John Lanford 2041-2067”, – has dispelled all doubts.

Nora said Hello to him and left; her sister would never accept his death. I miss John, too.

He often drove me around in his car and sometimes picked me up from school. Once the three of us (me, John and Nora) went to the sea, I was 8 years old at the time. I think that summer was the best of my life.

Mary told him a lot about Becky and how nice she was, and then she said, “Dad, It would be so nice to walk around that lake with the swans together,” and she started crying, the dog ran around trying to calm her down.

18:32. We drove home in silence, and I remembered a quote from the collection.

“Death is not the opposite of life, but part of it” Norwegian forest.

What did the main character of this work face that he had to learn such a cruel truth?

19: 03. After returning home, no one spoke about John, as if they had forgotten about him again or did not know him at all.

19:42. I decided to take a walk with Becky and the host, told her about Yoru and showed her photos of the waterfall, mountains, and more.

I wanted to cheer up the birthday girl, because she is the main character of the day, but no one listened to me.

22:13. I decided to talk to Nora tomorrow and find out what happened a year ago.

22:21. * Diary, I didn't tell you about John Lanford, I need to fix this. *

I met him when I was 6 years old. Nora sat with me that day and called John to relieve the boredom, and the three of us walked all day. At that time, he was studying at the sixth stage with his sister. They were in the same class.

Brown hair, gray eyes, and a perpetual smile on his face are all I remember about his appearance.

John always made me laugh with his jokes. He didn't seem to know what sadness was or what it was eaten with. My parents trusted him, so I often stayed with him when they went on business trips. In those days, we played Board games and held various competitions, such as who would eat lunch faster, put away toys, do homework, draw a picture of Nora, or go to sleep. He treated me like his little sister.

He loved rainbows, stars, clouds, cotton candy, chaos theory, and classical music.

John was a dreamer and believed that anything was possible if you put enough effort into it.

I didn't like: noise, coffee, frames and tables.

His favorite saying was: “Rules are necessary in order to break them!”

My brother collected DVDs of movies, and we often watched them at his house, because there was no player at home.

After graduation, my sister and John took a compatibility test, which was 96%. They asked their parents for permission to marry, and they all agreed.

So John became my real brother.

Then they had baby Mary. We all loved her. John qualified as a philosopher and started working, after which they bought an apartment.

Nora was very happy, and the cutie gradually grew up, receiving all the attention from loving parents.

So a year passed, then a second, then a third.

In the summer, they went with their family to the ocean; Nora called every day and sent us a sea of photos.

Then the 4th year of their life together flew by, and the 5th came, after which John suddenly moved.

The last time I saw him was on November 4, 2067, when he carried his daughter in his arms all day and only let her go when the baby fell asleep.

And 3 days after that, it became known that he killed himself.

* End of Dating. *

Now, remembering the pleasant moments spent with my brother, I felt sad, I need to calm down and go to bed.

Bye, Diary.

Day 27.

Hello, Diary.

Today is December 10, 2068, Saturday.

On the street -9, snow.

05:42. Apparently my sister didn't go to bed yesterday, I need to ask her about her ex-husband and talk about medallions for my parents.

10:27. Every 5 years after marriage, married couples must re-pass the compatibility test, because the couple may change values, characters, and attitudes to life, and much more.

So, on February 14, 2066, Nora and John re-passed the compatibility test, the result of which was 89%, which is unacceptable for married couples. The system terminated their marriage on the same day, without giving a second attempt. The law forbids remarriage to the same person, but paternity is preserved, so John could spend a lot of time with Mary. Therefore, a year passed, and our baby's sixth birthday came.

John gave his daughter a pendant with a photo of them together.

After telling this, the sister went somewhere and returned with a note in which was written the following:

"November 5, 2066.

I, John Lanford, leave all my savings to my ex-wife Nora Edinson and daughter Mary Edinson-Landford.

My dears, this year has been the most unbearable and difficult for me. I can't live without you and I want to be with you, but the system has destroyed all my dreams, all my life.

Nora, don't deny yourself anything and help our daughter fulfill all her dreams.

Mary, take care of your mother, she is your best and please choose a beautiful tree of rebirth for me.

Be happy, love you»

After the death of a loved one, Nora went to the hospital, because of this, my niece lived with us for six months, during which time I became friends with Mary. Then the sister recovered, bought a new house and moved there with her daughter, she decided to start a new life.

When she finished explaining, the nurse began to cry.

I reminded her that her parents' anniversary was coming up and suggested the idea of medallions, but it didn't help her calm down.

11:48. She fell asleep.

12:52. I went for a walk with Mary and Becky. She looks calm, as if she's already come to terms with the loss of her father, or just learned to hide her real feelings.

14:13. We're going home, and we'll pick up Yoru on the way, but we need to buy everything we need first.

15:50. There are so many bowls, toys, and beds in stores, and it all looks very cute, so we couldn't decide for a long time, especially with the collar.

16: 26. What a tiny Yoru, it's scary even to hold her in your hands; suddenly you will break something to this baby.

Now she needs to get a new chip, and she will become part of our family, so now we are going to the veterinary clinic.

19:36. Yoru is very playful and curious, and also clumsy and funny cat. I took more than 200 photos and it's still not enough for me. We need to create a separate album for her.

22:53. I called Rowley, and she was worried about me, and she wanted to call my parents, but she didn't know their number.

I shared the news from the competition with her and told her about Yoru, then asked her why she was sad during the last conversation.

It turned out that the system did not allow her brother in the EOPQ to work as a designer, but sent him to the qualification of programming mental tables, so she was upset.

23: 34. The Kitten fell asleep next to me.

01:43. I moved Yoru her cabin, so I could finally sleep without worrying about her life.

Bye, Diary.

Day 28.

Hello, Diary

Today, December 11, 2068, of the year Sunday.

On the street -9, clearly.

06:32. Yoru slept with me this morning. I don't want to leave her at home alone, but I have to go to school.

08:55. We sat next to each other for the entire lesson, after which He asked about Yoru. I showed him all the photos I had taken, and He missed her very much. Should I invite him to visit?

12:51. Yuna suggested that we have lunch together, and I knew that He would be with them, so I agreed.

13:21. He wasn't there.

15:48. Rowley invited me to go shopping; it's been a long time since I've updated my wardrobe.

16:21. The little angel constantly follows me and turns under my feet. It's so small that I have to keep an eye on it to avoid accidentally stepping on it.

16:52. I got quite carried away playing with a kitten and forgot about the meeting. Rowley won't be happy.

19: 26. When I went to “our” cafe, I didn't find it. I decided to call, thinking that she had already left without waiting, but it turned out that Rowley was playing virtual races with Emet, and she was late. I should not have been in such a hurry.

After a snack, we went to the shops as planned. Rowley was buying light clothes because she wants to marry Emet after New Year and go to the sea.

In 20 days, my friend will become a wife. How can you even believe that?

22:18. I did all my homework while Yoru was lying on my lap. This is the sweetest creature I've ever seen.

22:53. I couldn't get up from my chair because I didn't want to disturb this nocturnal beast.

Bye, Diary.

Day 29.

Hello, Diary.

Today is December 13, 2068, Tuesday.

On the street -5, cloudy.

14:54. He doesn't talk to me. Did I offend Him? What did I do wrong? We had a good conversation before.


16:58. I went to a jewelry store and bought medallions.

17:21. Yuna invited me to a newly opened bike rental Park. I need to relax, because I've been walking around in a fog all day.

19:43. It was fun. I learned the basics of driving a motorcycle, and I was even invited to join a motorcycle club to participate in entertainment performances. I said I would think about it. Motorcycle racing is a good opportunity to get away from your thoughts and get a dose of adrenaline.

I think I'll sign up for this club after the New Year.

It took Sammy a long time to learn how to keep his balance, and when he was able to move, he hit the curb. It is good that the instructor managed to react in time, and his injury was relatively minor, a dislocated shoulder. We called an ambulance. Yuna decided to go with him to the hospital, and the others went home.

23:12. I put the portraits in the medallions, the gift is ready! Yoru helped me with it all the time.

Rowley talked about her and Emet's plans for the week off after their marriage. They will live in the Villa with her aunt. Take a walk in the mountains that are close to the coast, go for a boat ride and go diving.

The friend was excited, spoke quickly and a lot, jumped from topic to topic. Apparently, Emet still influenced her, now she doesn't try to hide her emotions, and I'm glad of that.

23:32. Lessons are done. Time for bed. The kitten is already waiting for me on the bed.

Bye, Diary.

Day 30.

Hello, Diary.

Today, December 15, 2068, of the year Thursday.

On the street -10, snow.

10:54. Is he ignoring me? Why?

13:30. I started having lunch with Yuna and the rest of my classmates all the time. Sammy is out of practice for the rest of this week due to an injury.

13:33. *Diary, I want to tell you about Sammy Vermundo. *

We met this year while going to a concert. He is studying in the same class with Yuna, and wants to enter the EOPQ for creating musical images.

He is fond of collecting vinyl records.

Sammy is outgoing and curious.

After communicating with him, it seems as if everyone found out about you only by one greeting.

I think it can make high-quality advertising that will promote products or services well.

He has leadership qualities, but uses them very rarely. So, it was he who organized duty near the base and rescue operations during a virtual battle with students from a parallel class.

He looks distracted, disorganized, sloppy, and naive.

During the execution of one of the group projects, he offered to gather in his apartment. We joked that we would have to do a major cleaning of the house before starting work, but we were wrong. His apartment was clean, and everything was arranged exactly on the shelves, as if our Sammy didn't live here.

* End of Dating. *

16: 21. My Mother said that the test would start in half an hour. I hope their result will be higher than 89%.

16: 35. Nora, Mary, and Becky are on their way to visit us.

17:04. Their result is 97%! I'm thrilled. Now parents go to the store to buy food for the holiday.

19: 38. Our Pets with Mary are so different, Becky is big and white, and Yoru is small and black, but opposites attract. Their best friends now, and because of that, I'll have to clean up again tomorrow.

19:52. My parents really liked our gift; they said that they will wear these medallions all the time.

Tomorrow we plan to go to my grandmother and have fun in the country house.

23:41. I decided to go for a walk with Becky and stopped by the Park.

There were no lights in the Windows of His apartment. Has he left yet?”

01:32. Who is the champion of the “Illusory world”? Of course, I am! Beat all 3 times in a row. Today, luck is definitely on my side, or I was able to conquer the theory of the probability of a polyhedral cube falling.

02:47. We decided to take the whole family for a walk through the night city, and I remembered our walk with him, but Mary distracted me from my thoughts with her scream: “Look, star!” We all looked up at the sky and saw a meteor flying by.

03: 26. Tired. When we got home, Yoru and Becky were snuggled up in the same bed. Another cute photo in the collection.

Now it's time for me to go to bed.

Bye, Diary.

Day 31.

Hello, Diary.

Today is December 17, 2068, Saturday.

On the street -8, clearly.

10:37. Our holiday continued at my grandmother's country house, and we had a party, then watched a movie together and went to bed.

11: 21. Yoru very attached to Becky and always follows her, I don't want to separate them, but I need to go home. I hope she doesn't miss the giant cloud too much.

14:43. He wrote to me and asked for forgiveness for not communicating with me recently, asked not to worry, because the problem has already been solved. Now our relationship will return to normal, I'm glad.

16:51. Rowley said that her photo project was accepted for the annual competition, if this work takes a place above the hundredth, then a place in the EOPQ for a photographer is provided for her.

Then I called Yuna and asked if she was participating in this competition. The answer was yes.

I hope that their work will be honestly appreciated, and they will get the result they deserve. But we won't know until next month.

18: 12. Yoru is been sleeping all day, probably running around with Becky.

I did my homework. I'll walk to the Park.

23:13. We met again. For most of the walk, He listened to me in silence and was lost in his own thoughts.

What happened? I hope His family is all right.

23:32. I had a headache again, so I took the medicine. I'll wait for the effect and go to bed.

Bye, Diary.

Day 32.

Hello, Diary.

Today is December 21, 2068, Wednesday.

On the street -9, snow.

08:53. I understand nothing. One day He is sociable, another day he is silent, and the third day he does not show up at school at all.

What's happening to Him?

I'll find out the reason if He doesn't want to tell me.

13: 56. The Guys don't know anything about it either. Everyone is as worried about Him as I am. But my concern is enough for Him! I will definitely go to the Park.

15:49. He's not home, again.

18:31. I found out that He was having trouble getting in, but I can't figure out why. The system also defined it in the criminal procedure code for an athlete, and this was decided long ago. What's wrong?

19: 36. No, no, no! I took all my medications. Everything should be fine. I'm just overworked. I need to sleep.

Bye, Diary.

Day 33.

Hello, Diary.

Today is Thursday, December 22, 2068.

On the street -9, snow.

07:52. He came and communicates with everyone as usual. So is everything all right?

08: 56. We sat next to each other again for the entire lesson.

10:22. The next two weeks are declared free in honor of the holiday.

12:57. He invited me to lunch with the boys, but Yuna usually did it. Is she out today?

13:55. It turns out that she didn't come to school because she had a cold.

17:34. I went shopping for New Year’s gifts.

I think Rowley will be happy to get beautiful cartridges for her instant print camera, and Emet will be happy to go to the race, which will be held in a neighboring city. Mom and dad will buy paired theater tickets. For Becky and Yoru I decided to find the same Christmas costumes. I want to give Nora a collectible coin that she has been looking for a long time, and Mary – a ticket for a dog walk in the woods. Let them learn how to survive with cloud. Children from school – Goodies.

But I don't know what to make for Him.

You can buy a figure from His favorite movie, but He never said that he likes it. This way I can put myself in an awkward position, and it won't be good if He finds out that I've been following him for more than two years. Then I will give Him a ticket to a concert of our favorite band, which we discussed during one of our walks. I think He'll be happy about it.

19:35. I called Yuna, she went to her friends' house for the weekend, and they decided to have a bonfire on the lake. The friend was lightly dressed, so she froze, and the next morning she had a fever. She's fine now. She loves everything cute, so the surprise is ready for her.

23:26. We correspond with Him again. I guess I shouldn't have worried so much.

Bye, Diary.

Day 34.

Hello, Diary.

Today is December 26, 2068, Monday.

It's -10 outside, okay.

14:32. Rowley suggested going shopping and buying Christmas presents. I hope that this time she will not overdo it and will come in time.

20:59. Why can't any of our walks be without adventure?

We went to the store, but most of the time we didn't choose gifts, but tried on things. It was fun. Then they began to return home and decided to have a snack, and after dinner, they went home.

As I approached the Park, Rowley called me and told me that she had lost her gift bag. I took my purchases home and went back to her, after which we walked around the neighborhood several times. In the end, she bought even more things, and the lost package ended up in the cafe where we had dinner.