
Update the Diary

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12: 24. The Race starts in 5 minutes, so I have to go back to the stands, I hope everything will be fine with the Baby.

15:01. Today is a terrible day.

After the sixth lap, our hero firmly took the second position; I thought that this would continue to the victorious end. But, suddenly, from the last row of stands there was a loud Bang, like a shot, because of this the Kid panicked, reared up and threw his rider. The race was interrupted until the problem was resolved, for the safety of participants.

The horse was shot several times with a tranquilizer gun, but it did not calm down even after several hits. All this “show” the audience watched from beginning to end. And I was very annoyed when some of them started to broadcast live and treat it positively, enjoying the “exciting spectacle”. I felt bad, so I decided to find a rider who was also asked to leave the racetrack. But before I could get down to the exit, I heard another shot, and this time the target was not a dart with a sedative, but a bullet. For the next few seconds, I stared at the animal's lifeless body until I lost consciousness.

Now I feel depressed and can't believe I'll never see him again.

16:34. She underwent emergency therapy with a psychologist, where she tried to accept death. I was prescribed mild sedatives for a few days so that I wouldn't have trouble sleeping.

22:21. I couldn't collect my thoughts, and most of the time I lay with my face against the wall.

22:44. After talking to Catsu, I'm exhausted. He comforted me and promised to take me home for the weekend. Now that I hear his voice, I'll sleep in peace.

Good night, Diary.

Day 10.

Hello, Diary.

Today is June 24, 2073, Saturday.

On the street +24, windy.

05:13. I can't sleep anymore, so now I'm going to eat some sweets that the guys brought me recently and read a little.

10:47. At the reception, I was told that my sleep problems were due to stress, so I was allowed to go home with Catsu, but only until the evening. He should be here by 11: 00.

14:36. Why can't I stay at home? Again, you will have to return to the rehabilitation center in the evening and stay there for another 3 days. I'll be much more comfortable with Catsu, and I don't need any antidepressants around Him. Now he's cooking takoyaki (which he hasn't eaten in ages), and I'm lying on the bed with Yoru. And you know, diary, I'm happy.

After lunch, we will drive to the Park, where I will get behind the wheel of my motorcycle, a whole month has not experienced this sense of danger, mixed with delight.

17:03. I am exhausted, but charged with positive energy and inspiration. That's why I love extreme driving. However, Catsu is always worried about me, afraid that there will be an accident, and his experiences make sense. For example, once I skidded sharply on a turn, and I hurt my leg. It was an accident, but I'm sure I made a sharp turn myself, as if I didn't want to run over a person. This is strange, because no one went to the track. What made me turn?

I don't remember anything.

19:48. All good things end quickly. I didn't want to go back to the hospital, but Catsu convinced me otherwise. I don't know why, but I trust him more than I trust myself. I would rather graduate from the criminal procedure code. Then we'll do a compatibility test, and we can live together.

20:33. After a home-cooked meal prepared by a loved one, dinner in the dining room seemed like a modest treat.

21:41. I talked to Nuna, she sent me the completed project, now it remains to compose the text for the presentation, pass it and celebrate the graduation. Of course, if our project is approved and gets high scores, otherwise you will have to make edits or completely start working from scratch.

22:21. I have noted the main points of our work that need to be emphasized during the presentation, but I will do the main part of the text tomorrow. I can't ignore sleep, so I'll go out for a late dinner, take a shower, and go to bed.

Good night, Diary.

Day 11.

Hello, Diary.

Today is June 25, 2073, Sunday.

On the street +21, windy.

09: 36. I Think I will spend the whole day in the library working on the text for the presentation of the final web project. I'll talk to Yuna again. After discharge, I will go shopping to prepare gifts for their wedding anniversary.

11:44. I talked to the psychologist again. He said that I had coped well with stress, but I needed to talk more about my experiences and worries to people close to me. Now I want to talk to Mary, because she has an OTP next week, and she's been preparing all day, so I should distract her with a meaningless but interesting dialogue. She takes her studies too seriously. As soon as I get out of rehab and steal it for a couple of days, my niece should remember that she is a child, not a busy businessperson. Sometimes, compared to her, I feel like a lazy dumpling who can only ride a motorcycle, clinging to the curbs.

The end of a short break, it's time to return to the project on which my future vacation on the island depends.

14: 46. I do not leave the feeling that I forgot something important-to congratulate a dear person. But, I don't know anyone whose birthday fell on June 27. Perhaps because of overwork, I'm starting to confuse June and July. I want to take some time off from work. I'll walk to the garden and call Catsu, he's free.

18:25. There was a strong wind outside, so I'll make myself a drink to prevent colds according to my grandmother's recipe and take a hot bath. I can't get sick. I'll be released on Wednesday.

20:33. I talked to Mary. At the time of the call, she was making a report on Becky's physical condition after another patrol and search for missing children. This news surprised me, because the rehabilitation center is limited from the outside world, and we do not know the news that is happening outside it. It turns out that in recent weeks in our (and not only) city there are kidnappings of babies, aged from three to six years. Right now, there are 72 children. This is really frightening information, because up to 7 years of age, a person can not be tracked by a tracker on the identity chip due to the fact that it is not yet implanted in the palm of the hand. Children most often disappeared during walks, and witnesses say that they disappeared as soon as they were distracted for a short time.

With the help of search operations involving dogs and robots, 13 children were found, but their memory was completely cleared, and recordings from video cameras near their location were hacked. The security protection system is updated on a weekly basis, so only the person who was programming it could have committed the hack. All employees are undergoing an emergency check. I hope the culprit is found, or there will be leads.

Although my profession has nothing to do with the criminal world, but it is quite interesting to follow it. I expected that the system would identify me in the criminal procedure code as a journalist or reporter. But apparently, my vocation is web design.

After that, I decided to discuss it with Catsu, but I remembered that He didn't like my interest in criminal cases, and I gave up on the idea. He takes care of me too much, but it's better than the lack of care and attention.

22:15. I was inspired, so I drew some illustrations on the subject of recent events and almost were caught by a nurse. It's good that I managed to open a file with recent sketches of Botanical flowers. So we had a nice chat, and the nurse praised my drawings and moved on.

I don't know why I was afraid of the fact that I might reveal my knowledge of what was happening. Perhaps I would have been asked not to tell anyone in the center about this, and that's it. Although I'm sure most people already know everything from their friends, they just keep this innocent atmosphere of ignorance, like they're playing a game.

23:31. I sent the presentation to Т (I still don't understand why Darina asks me to call her that). She said that tomorrow she would send out parts of the text that should be prepared for certification. Now I find it difficult to focus on my studies after a month of rest. Even the task for the show I prepared all day, when I usually made such simple notes in an hour. Still, skills are lost without practice.

I'm tired, so I go to bed and say good night.

See you tomorrow, Diary.

Day 12.

Hello, Diary.

Today is Monday, June 26, 2073.

On the street +22, clear.

09:41. Today is the day of the visit, I need to invite Lava, because I have a lot of questions that she can answer, and I just missed her. Lava feels more alone than usual, because Lily is always close to Young. So it's worth reminding her of my existence.

11:26. During a month in the rehabilitation center, I got into the habit of taking antidepressants. I think that's why I was able to accept the Baby's death with ease. The psychiatrist said that the course of treatment would continue for another six months, so that I do not have panic attacks and do not return the memories that were the cause of poor health. I'm going to go out in the sun and work in the garden. Over the weekend, new Apple and pear seedlings were delivered. I can help you land them.

13:46. Today is the day of seafood. We had shrimp rice and seaweed salad for lunch. Such Catsu do not like a pity. He doesn't like fish, but he often makes beef and Turkey dishes, and sometimes even rabbit stew. Cooking gives him pleasure. Sometimes, when he gets carried away with the process, he may start humming a tune. Maybe Catsu is doing this on purpose to cheer me up. I miss him so much. I'd like to get home soon. There are still 2 days left, and I'm already putting my things in my bags.


Now I'm going to visit Starlet.

14:17. She had a miscarriage. The stable has a new employee who didn't know about her pregnancy and decided to ride a Star. The load on the horse was too strong, and she had 2 months to carry the foal, so there was an irreparable accident. Her health is not in danger.

And I wanted to visit her foal in a month, even came up with a name – Estrellita (little star), in honor of her parents.

22:10. Lavender was more talkative than usual. She became a student of a famous designer after he became interested in her work from a regional competition.

Lava spent the whole evening talking about how professional, intelligent, witty he is, and how his ideas are unconventional, fresh and relevant. She liked working with him, the designer was interested in her opinion, discussed his ideas with her, even entrusted her with a selection of colors for one of the projects. So my fears about the state of the Lava were unfounded, and I am very happy about it. After all, there are less than 2 weeks left before the final works are shown in our EOPQ. And after that, she can get a job as an assistant to this designer.

Our group will be enrolled in the company “Bonhomme”, after receiving a certificate of full professional qualification. But I didn't have time to read the text sent by Darina, so I should pay more attention to it tomorrow. I don't want to let my group down.

22:48. Catsu was late at work again, so we just exchanged brief messages, and he went to bed. I don't like it at all. I don't want him to prioritize our future over his health. As soon as I get home, the first thing I will do is correct his daily routine; he does not have a single free minute for rest, which is necessary for every person.

And now you need to monitor your regime. So I'll take a shower and go to bed.

Good night, Diary.

Day 13.

Good morning, Diary.

Today is June 27, 2073, Tuesday.

On the street +22, cloudy.

08:21. It's like the day before Christmas. I woke up happy and inspired. I'll be home tomorrow, get on my bike, meet Juno and Lily, visit Mary and Becky, lie in bed with Yoru, and have a romantic dinner for Catsu.

So many plans and ideas, but it's all for tomorrow. Now we need to change and go to Breakfast. We have a fruit day; I think this is the best end to my rehabilitation.

Although I will miss this place, which has become a temporary home for me, I do not want to lie here again. This center is like a separate world, with its own rules, gossip and holidays, and I like reality, because only there I can be happy together with people, animals and memories that are dear and valuable to me.

09:35. I never thought that you can eat fruit, but I have seen it in my own experience. How am I supposed to do aerial gymnastics now? I think if I rest a little, I'll feel better.

09:52. Sammy sent a lot of blog posts, but I don't have time to respond to them anymore.

11:13. For a snack, we were offered to make our own natural juice. Now I want a juicer home. I'll make vitamin shakes every morning for hard-working Catsu.

11:47. *I want you to meet Sammy Vermundo. *

He was born on July 27, 2052.

We became friends in 2068 while going to a concert and were in the same class. After graduating from high school in 2069, Sammy joined the UPC for creating musical images.

He is a member of the musical group of his UPK, plays drums, and also has the skills of vocals, playing the violin, piano and bass guitar. Most often, he listens to jazz and Blues, and occasionally classical music.

He is fond of collecting old music records and is proud to have collected all of Fleetwood Mac's albums.

Sammy sociable, caring, attentive and responsible (especially if we are talking about his sister Annie Vermundo). He is always looking for inspiration. A couple of years ago, we did extreme driving together, but he quickly got bored. This is the case with all his Hobbies, except music.

I want to tell you a little about his little sister. She lives with her parents in a nearby town, so she and Sammy can't see much of each other. But he told me the good news. The system enrolled Annie in the code of criminal procedure for creating musical images as a writer. When Sammy found out about this, he was incredibly happy and, catching a wave of inspiration, recorded an album. Annie is his Muse, innocent, young, and beautiful.

Sammy is also well versed in statistics, editing, and simplifying information. These skills help him create music that is liked by many people.

Sammy is able to catch the audience, and his constant search for something new adds freshness to the works. He has leadership qualities, but uses them very rarely. Often looks scattered, disorganized, not independent and naive. This happens because Sammy is constantly thinking, and a hundred different ideas and a thousand methods of implementing them are spinning in his head.

Sammy takes care of me, cares about me, always supports and helps, and I am grateful to him for this.

* End of Dating. *

He's become a part of my life, and I'm so used to it that I forgot to introduce you before. He will be 21 in a month. He promised to arrange a Grand celebration, invite friends from school and his group. This holiday will be like a concert with a cool private continuation.

And now I need to learn the text to get a certificate of full professional qualifications.

16: 42. Luna was discharged a couple of days ago. Why didn't she even say goodbye to me? So our last match ended in a draw. I'm upset. I need to find out more about her, and I'll ask her friends during the afternoon tea.

17:49. It turned out that Luna's discharge was unscheduled, so she didn't have time to say goodbye to anyone. Luna quickly packed up her Essentials and left. Most likely, she will continue rehabilitation after solving the problem. The literary hour is about to begin. I think we are waiting for the end of the book.

20:51. For dinner, there were fruit salads to choose from. I decided to eat a mango, banana, and kiwi salad. It's time to pack. I have many sweets left that I didn't eat; I'll leave them to the children.

Each discharge from our Department is a whole ritual, seeing a person off to a new world. On this day, everyone says wishes and instructions, exchanges numbers and blogs for further communication, and gives small gifts as a keepsake. Each extract is a joyful holiday, with a dreary aftertaste. This is what awaits me tomorrow, and now I need to write a farewell letter for the moon. I'll leave her my phone number. Maybe one day we'll run into each other again on the same tennis court, or have a nice chat over a Cup of tea in a small coffee shop.

22:52. All things are done, things are collected, books are handed over, memorable portraits are drawn. Now the most difficult task remains-to sleep quietly.

Well, wish me luck.

And I wish you good night, Diary.

Day 14.

Good morning, Diary.

Today is June 28, 2073, Wednesday.

On the street +24, clear.

08:23. This day has come. A full body scan will start at 10: 00, followed by discharge after lunch. I'm tired of waiting.

09:49. In honor of my discharge, a special Breakfast was prepared for me, consisting of my favorite dishes: chicken broth, vegetable salad, fruit tea and doughnuts. It was touching and sweet. I will definitely come back here to see the employees who took care of me for a month.

10:32. Inspection completed. The results are satisfactory.

The doctor recommended a follow-up examination in a month to track the body's response to urban stress and antidepressants. Now I'm free until lunch, so I'll take a walk around the center. I will make photos for the album, so that I can review them on winter evenings, returning to this carefree world.

12: 19. Asterisk fully recovered and looks more energetic than usual. I wonder if she coped with the loss of her child on her own, or if she, like me, was prescribed medication. But it doesn't matter, because she's healthy. I'm glad.

12: 41. I went To the pediatric Department to deliver a letter to Luna. I hope she'll contact me when she gets it.

13:42. The ceremony was held successfully. My roommates tied up a pair of bracelets as a keepsake. And the children I taught to play checkers gave me cute drawings. I gave them the remaining sweets. Some guys even started crying and asking me to stay. I was sad, but just then my boyfriend arrived and helped me.

It was funny to hear the story that he was the Prince of a hidden country and came for a beautiful and kind girl, who was looking for many years to make a Princess of his Kingdom. And, of course, Catsu couldn't get past me. We're going to the Mall to buy a juicer.

15:11. I think this day can be called the happiest of my life. It's time to change your password.

*Create a password 063073. *

17:13. The cats staged a romantic evening. We're going to a restaurant, then we'll watch a movie, and then I'll have a surprise. I'm looking forward to it, because I'm sure it will be an unforgettable experience, and then I'll tell you all about it.

02:43. It was incredible. I'm tired now, so I'll write down my impressions tomorrow.

Good night, Diary.

Day 15.

Hello, Diary.

Today is June 29, 2073, Thursday.

On the street +23, cloudy.

09: 24. As I said yesterday, our date started with a trip to a restaurant that opened in early summer near the house. After dinner, we went to the movie theater.

Catsu chose a film adaptation of the Arc de Triumphed, but I couldn't focus on the story because my mind was full of the surprise that awaited me next. Noticing this, the person suggested that we leave without watching the movie.

It took an hour to get to our destination, and after we arrived, we walked for another half hour through the woods, which piqued my interest even more. There were a lot of possible gift options in my head, but no offer could match the reality.

After a long walk, we came to the runway. There was no limit to my delight. Catsu booked a flight in an ultralight plane over a city at night. I like extreme driving, but I thought flying a plane was an unattainable dream. And so it became possible with the help of my lover. He is indeed a Prince, my Prince, and soon we will be a family. We will live together, meet the sunrises, see off the sunsets, I will cook snacks for him at work, and he will have a romantic dinner. Perhaps the system will consider us good parents, and we can have a child. Our flight lasted an hour, which passed in 10 minutes (at least, that's what it seemed to me). During this time, I managed to fill the memory with the camera and two phones. Lighted road lines, running along them, white and red stripes of cars. I never thought that a view from a height could be so exciting and beautiful. After the flight, I could not return to reality for a long time, staying at the height of a bird's flight, so I did not notice how I was at home. We ate some pastries and I went to bed.

Catsu is already at work; doing everything, he can to make my dreams come true. I am grateful to him for this and diligently studying in the EOPQ, so that our happy life began as early as possible. I need to arrange a meeting with the people to rehearse the speech, especially since we haven't been going for a long time.

09: 48. Ruby and Nick left yesterday to visit relatives, so we agreed to meet tomorrow at 16: 00 in the EOPQ to get used to the situation that awaits us on the test. Nuna also said that she will talk to the teachers to get a preliminary assessment and advice for our presentation.

Which means I'm free. I'll spend this time looking for a gift for Yuna, Lily, and Coco the Gecko. One of the gifts I have been preparing for the last 4 years, collecting photos on an album. I'm going to go shopping and meet Mia. Still, I became attached to her.

11:02. It seems that during my absence the city was completely rebuilt. To get to the nearest store, which I went to every day, I had to use the Navigator. Then I decided to go to the rendezvous point with Mia, and after getting completely lost, I sent her my location so that she could find me. The doctor warned me that there might be temporary problems with orientation, but I had no idea how much this would affect my daily life. Now I will wait for my guide.

11:11. Lately, I've always felt like I forgot someone important to me. But the memory of this person was the cause of my long-term depression, which is why they had to be removed. How can they be expensive if they hurt me? Why did I bring myself to a hospital bed thinking about this man? I found out about this from my medical card in the rehabilitation center. This curiosity will kill me one day, so I need a distraction now. I'll Call Lava. She will be able to charge me with positive energy, praising the achievements of an underrated genius-a master of color selection and creating an unforgettable atmosphere. I still can't figure out what scents he uses in his office, since everyone who has ever been there admires them.


11:28. She's not answering my calls, so she's working.

18: 53. At 11: 40, my Savior managed to find me. Mia said that I was close to the designated place, and she could walk to me in 5 minutes, but met on the way to the nursery and, without hesitation, looked there, successfully forgetting about my existence. I went on to talk about pets and told them about Becky and Mary. I feel like a master of fate, trying to introduce them to each other. Now we need to prepare dinner for Catsu's return and play with Yoru.

19:33. I completely forgot to tell you about the gifts I bought. We went to the pet store to buy new toys for my little angel. And while I was choosing them, Mia found a collection of lizard clothing! So, I decided to dress up Yuna, Lily and Coco in the same outfits. We spent the rest of the day running around clothing stores looking for suitable items. It was fun.

21:51. Catsu came back late again and looked exhausted, so after dinner I sent him home to rest. Because we have not yet passed the compatibility test and have not received approval to live together from the system, my beloved can not spend the night in my apartment. Also, we can't be alone for more than 5 hours without interruptions. This rule applies to all people except family members, and is necessary to preserve each person's personal space. And that's the only reason I want to marry Catsu. I just want to be close to him all the time and I know that this desire is mutual.

22:47. Now I will repeat the text for the presentation and go to bed. Still, it is better to stick to the regime.

Good night, Diary.

Day 16.

Hello, Diary.

Today is Friday, June 30, 2073.

On the street +23, Sunny

10:26. Good morning. Recently, I received an official invitation to the anniversary from Yuna and Lilia, which will begin at their home at 17: 00. It turns out they moved into a new apartment without telling me. Yuna doesn't usually hide such happy news from me. I need to talk to Catsu. I want him to be with me on this holiday.

13:47. We agreed to meet and discuss everything during the lunch break, which starts at 15: 00. His job is not far from my EOPQ, so he promised to accompany me. I'm going to make some sandwiches so that Catsu can have an afternoon snack at work, and I'm going to our cafe. This time I will clearly follow the Navigator's instructions and not get lost (probably).

15:37. Catsu works as a logic teacher at the sign system management Department, so we often saw each other during the lunch break. As a responsible teacher, he helps his students with their final papers, because of this; he will not be able to go with me tomorrow. Am I allowed to be jealous of Catsu's colleagues and students, with whom He spends more time than with me?

20: 49. The rehearsal was delayed until late in the evening, as we received a lot of advice from teachers, and Nuna decided to edit the text and presentation immediately, so as not to delay it.

21:31. I'm tired, but after I've done my job, I can relax and soak in the bathroom.

23:45. I wanted to say good night to Catsu, but I ended up dragging our conversation out for an hour, which is what always happens. Love him.

See you tomorrow, Diary.

Day 17.

Good morning, Diary.

Today is July 1, 2073, Saturday.

On the street +24, Sunny.

09:21. I decided to do a general cleaning and a little rearrangement. I want to move my workplace to the living room to increase the free space in the bedroom. Maybe I just got used to the big rooms while I was lying in the center, and Yoru not a baby anymore, and she needs her own quiet corner, and then I want to meet Catsu, because we won't be able to see each other again today. He will train again. Not even on weekends, but I'm finally going to see Sammy and the other classmates.

But stop dreaming, it's time to start cleaning.

13: 46. I wanted to make a small rearrangement, and, in the end, I disassemble the second Cabinet. And why does this always happen?

15: 03. Once again, I forgot about time, being carried away by looking at photos in albums. One day I'll definitely lock them in a drawer and put them on the farthest shelf. I need to warn Catsu that I'm late.

16:39. Why does time pass so quickly when you spend it with a dear person? Especially if that person cares more about you than you do about yourself. He also gave Catsu a small gift for Yuna and Lilia. When does he do everything?

And now I'm.... Yes, Yes, I'm late again! I hope the people aren't upset about this.

22:51. The anniversary was marked successfully. The party started in Yuna and Lily's apartment (they even set up a separate room for Coco). All the guests gave gifts and sat down in the living room, where we talked for a long time about the past, present and future. Lily also revealed the secret of their Gecko's name. She was named after the actor Norma Coco, and the name of this actor was chosen because of me. After our long conversation, the guys offered a snack, and we went in search of a cafe. During this walk, Sammy offered to take a boat ride, and we all trooped to the Central River. But we arrived too late, and the last ship was already returning. Lily said that she did not want to miss this moment (the sun was beginning to go below the horizon), and suggested that we go to the beach to take some photos. Of course, it didn't end with photos alone. In the end, we were all completely soaked, but we had a lot of fun. Then everyone decided to go home, so as not to get sick.

Now I sit in bed under a blanket with a Cup of tea and enjoy life. I will repeat the text for certification and go to bed.

Good night, Diary.

Day 18.

Hello, Diary.

Today is July 2, 2073, Sunday.

On the street +22, windy.

14:41. I'm going on a date with Catsu. I need to tell him about my evening's adventures. Then Nuna called everyone to her house for a dress rehearsal. I hope we really will be preparing, and not like last time, teasing monkeys with bananas in the zoo.

19:33. Can you ask, Norma, why you ended up on the other side of town chasing a poodle? To be honest, I can't answer this question with complete confidence myself.

Our rehearsal, as usual, smoothly flowed into a card game on desire. As unsurpassed leaders, Nuna and I beat a couple of our less fortunate classmates, which means we made a wish for them. Ruby and Nick were supposed to take the dog from the kennel. Then a series of accidents, and here I am running after a poodle for 4 blocks. I think I'll sign up for the gym tomorrow, or start playing volleyball with Catsu. Because, after this run, I still can't get out of bed to change into my home clothes.

21:04. Today he returned from work much earlier, so we decided to arrange a home tournament for the game “Scrabble”. It was a confrontation between two geniuses, a cold tactician and an emotional book lover. But by the end, our exciting battle of mind and feelings had turned into a giveaway, and we decided to play in virtual reality, because there you can be on the same team. After that, we had dinner, and Catsu went to his house. Now I'm choosing clothes for tomorrow's final presentation, then I'll repeat the text 10 times again and go to bed with a calm (or not so) soul.

Good night, Diary.

* Note: *

– 02: 34. Nick called and said that the poodle was safe, well, and sleeping peacefully in the new house. By the way, his name is now Hunten. —

Day 19.

Hello, Diary.