I Am

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Šrift:Väiksem АаSuurem Aa


The ground disappears under our feet. The angels act quickly and hold the humans. Even so, a powerful force pushes them towards the abysm at speed. In a question of seconds, they are falling into a dark space, cold and deserted. What to do? Where were they going to end? At that moment, everyone’s hope and faith were shaken, for they were dying without being rescued.

The time passes, and they continue falling. In a time, impossible to measure such is their predicament, they can see the end: On the right side, a cross and on the left, immense darkness, in the centre, Sheol, full of tormented evil spirits. The more they approach the elements, the shock of the opposing forces was enormous as five years ago, at the first adventure of the series “The seer”.

Just before they were going to be smashed on the ground, the son of God, inspired by the holy spirit starts reciting the following prayer: “Father, I call upon you to act. We are in deep contrition, misery and danger and we have no one to resort to. Remember us now just as you have remembered and took pity of Noah and the slave Israelites. I beg for your love, understanding and for the mercies of the blessed cross that has freed us from sin and open the doors to eternal life. So be it.”

About a millimetre from falling, the attraction force ceased. The angels then flipped their wings and started flying again. They began the return way at the speed of light. In a short time, they come out of the abysm and it disappears without trace. As by magic, they find themselves at the ascent in “s” of Caraíbas, right at the beginning. Rafaela did not hold back:

– My God! What was that?

– It was an illusion caused by a powerful malign mind. If it weren’t for the seer’s prayer, we would be lost – Explained Rafael.

– How come, Aldivan? Where from comes the inspiration? (Rafaela Ferreira)

– I am going to explain. Through the communion phenomenon, I and Yahweh are interlinked in such a way that my words become his. There is no difference. (Aldivan)

– Incredible! I have never heard anything like that. Despite appearing to be blasphemy, I believe it. (Rafaela)

– How nice friend, you are beginning to learn the greatness of this heart that one day will conquer the world. (Renato)

– I don’t exist without him (Uriel)

–Thank you everyone and specially my friend archangel Uriel Ikiriri. At the most difficult moments of my life, he has been a tool of the Almighty who has supported and liberated me. I don’t have any more words to say. I am the only human to know his guardian angel, to know his own future and to penetrate the human soul. I am blessed. (The seer)

– I would like to be like you. (Said Rafaela in a melancholic tone)

– Don’t want to be. Every human being is beautiful for his own characteristics. God loves you as you are and is only waiting for a yes to act in your life. (The seer)

– I understood it. Pardon me. (Rafaela)

– Don’t worry. I understand you. (The son of God)

– Thank you. (Rafaela)

– Let’s continue, then. There is still a long way to go. (Aldivan)

The group obeyed. The walk continued. Walking for a few metres, they turn the bend, and went ahead. On the way, they meet two private cars leaving the village, some horse riders and a bicycle rider. As they were good mannered and polite, they greeted them and continue walking forwards. A short distance ahead, the first houses appear, and the ascent becomes flat. The seer stops, and so do the others, and then he takes advantage to speak to his adventure companions:

– Do you see all this around? It is splendid terrain with its peculiar traits, this is a little of the outback caatinga. Every day for a year, I sweated walking this way. However, this did not make me less worthy. On the contrary, I felt honoured to perform my role as administrative assistant of the school secretary.

– I have never worked. But I understand what you say. It is indeed good to be useful, what I am not now. (Rafaela)

– Don’t talk like that. You have got a beautiful family that loves you and the spiritual father too. Now, you have got us as friends. Do you see? You are not useless. You are important for those around you. (Aldivan)

– Your words… make me emotional… Bua, Bua, Bua…. (Rafaela Ferreira, sobbing)

Everyone became emotional. Instinctively, they approach and embrace her. They put so much emphasis in it that Rafaela felt suffocated. For the first time, in a long time, she felt completely loved, what a holy medicine for her depression problem.

When she was calmer, they separate again, and the talk continued for a bit longer:

– This is how it should be! We are a great team with a common objective: Unravel the complex meanders of the exciting destiny. We are with you, seer! (Renato)

– Thank you. Can I rely on you as well, my dear archangels? (Aldivan)

– Always! Your father Yahweh leads us at every moment. It is his will. (Rafael)

– In the darkest night, when everyone says no, when there will be no way out, I will rescue you. At that time, I will show a lucid, clear and workable way. From then on, happiness will reign in your life for I am Yahweh, the true God. Word of Yahweh. (Uriel)

– That has already happened to me. Touching. (The seer)

– That is the way I feel. Count on me for anything. (Uriel)

– Thank you. Count on me too. Aldivan)

– Can we continue? Time presses it is almost night time. (Pointed out Rafael)

– Yes, let’s go. (The seer)

The walk restarts. The approximately five hundred metres separating them from the village are quickly covered at a steady pace. They walk along the first streets and turn right, walk another fifty metres ahead and reach a residence chalet style, 6x13 m, with an area in front and at the side a side garage, masonry smooth plastered and painted white walls, with the number thirty-five written on a wooden plaque. When they get near the door, they knock and wait until someone answers. It is a blonde young woman, medium stature, rosy cheeks, called Jackeline. The same one from the previous adventure, “The Encounter of Two Worlds”. She speaks.

– Is that you, seer? How long!

– Yes. I am at my fifth saga of the series the seer. And you, how have you been? (The son of God)

– Well. Who are these people with you? (Jackeline)

– They are my friends, Rafael, Uriel and Rafaela Ferreira. Renato, you already know him. (Aldivan)

– Yes, of course. Pleased to meet you, guys. (Jackeline)

– Pleasure. (The rest, simultaneously)

– Excuse my bad manners, please come-in. (Jackeline)

– Thank you. (The seer)

Together with the group, Jackeline goes inside and as her parents were travelling she acts as hostess. They settle on the seven-seater settee in the lounge.

It was exactly 18H00 and she took advantage of the pause to invite them.

– What about going to the kitchen? You must be hungry.

– A little. What do you think, guys? (The son of God)

– I agree it. (Renato)

– Me too. (Rafaela)

– Let’s go. (Rafael)

– Yes. (Uriel)

Invitation accepted, they left the lounge, go along the corridor and reach the kitchen. They sit around the main table, while Jackeline goes to prepare tea and biscuits for a snack. Would have offered a dinner but there was no time and she wasn’t expecting visitors. When everything is ready, she serves them and then the seer takes the chance to speak.

– Look, I want to ask a favour of you, Jack. Could you settle us for the night? It is already late, and we don’t have any acquaintances here.

– Don’t worry. I have got available beds and mattresses for everyone. It will be a pleasure —She said.

–Thank you. Are you still working as a health carer? (Aldivan)

– Yes, and you in your great adventure as a writer? (Jackeline)

– Yes. I love my work. People like Rafaela inspire me to continue. (Aldivan)

– What is the matter with you, my dear? (Jackeline)

– I feel a bit bored and sad about some things. (Rafaela)

– I understand it. You are depressed. You have made an excellent choice by choosing to accompany him. Aldivan has got words of life. (Jackeline)

– And you, Renato, how are you doing? You have grown. (Jackeline)

– Well. This year, I finish the medical studies and I wish to continue my studies at the faculty. I have already had a few flirts. rsrs. —Said the youngster.

–Kkk (Laughing). Very good! And you, Aldivan? Have you found love yet? (Jackeline)

– Not yet, but I am looking for it. Who knows if one day maybe I can find it. However, besides that, I am an accomplished and happy man in my career and work. (Aldivan)

– It is true. If there is a person who is happy and deserving it, that being is called Aldivan Teixeira Torres, and I don’t say that because he is my protegee. My judgement is impartial. (Uriel Ikiriri)

– Aldivan is the rose among the thorns. Among the humans, there is no one like him. His greatness is so big that God regards him as his son. (Rafael)

– I am proud of being his adventure partner. (Renato)

– And I of having you as a friend. (Jackeline)

– Ditto. (Rafaela)

– Thank you all. You, together with the whole mankind, are important to me despite sometimes not deserving it! (The son of God)

Everyone approaches Aldivan and embrace him. At that magic moment, they felt like true children of God, loved and protected. The embrace last sufficient time for the human warm to be felt. After, they break up the embrace and continue to have the tea and biscuits.

When they finish, they leave the kitchen, return to the lounge and engage in other activities. Among them, watching TV, listen to good music on the radio and chat. This keeps them entertained until bedtime, being at exactly 22H00. Good night everyone.



The night and dawn pass normally and finally the day breaks. One by one, the group elements awake and the hostess too. While the latter goes to prepare the breakfast, the others queue at the only bathroom to take a bath. As there were many, they hurry up bathing finishing in an hour’s time. After, they head to the kitchen and when they arrive there, for everyone’s delight they see the breakfast is ready. They sit around the table and like the night before, Jackeline serves them promptly.

In a cosy and calm atmosphere, they enjoy the typical delicacies of the northeast outback such as manioc with dry meat, couscous, tapioca and bread rolls. Everything expertly prepared by the fairy hands of our friend Jackeline. At the same time, they take the chance to know themselves better.

– Congratulations, Jack. With whom did you learn to cook so well? (The seer)

– Thank you. With my mother. She is an excellent cook— Answered Jackeline.

– Later can you give me the recipe? The seasoning is indeed excellent. (Rafaela)

– Of course. There is no secret. It is only to put the ingredients in the right amount. (Jackeline)

– Ok. (Rafaela)

– What have you done since we parted? (Renato)

– In my simple life as ever. In my work as a public servant, domestic chores and travelling on holidays, for nobody is made of steel. What about the books? Have you had much success yet?

– We are doing a good job. The fruits, we will reap them later. (Renato)

– Very good! (Jackeline)

– Very well, Jackeline! You are example of a person who knows how to enjoy life. Mirror yourself in her, Rafaela! (The seer)

– Certainly. She has already gained my admiration. (Rafaela)

– Thank you. And you, Rafael and Uriel, since when have entered the seer’s life? (Jackeline)

– We have always been part of his life but only recently God allowed us to reveal ourselves. We are archangels and we are always in the presence of God— Explained Rafael.

– Archangels? Here on earth? How is it possible? And why? (Asked the incredulous Jackeline)

– Just that. Specifically, I am Aldivan’s guardian angel, I am an Ikiriri, and was created together with him. We are living important and decisive times and our presence is necessary here on earth. (Uriel)

– Cool. I would like the opportunity of knowing my angel. I think that would change my life completely. (Jackeline)

– Me too. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– We are everywhere. Each person one way or another is in contact with his angel. It is only necessary to pay attention to the signals. (Rafael)

– For example? (Jackeline)

– Have you ever heard that inner voice guiding and advising you? The humans call it intuition. (Rafael)

– Yes. To a lesser extent, yes. (Jackeline)

– Me too. Several times. Only sometimes some voices influence us to evil. (Rafaela)

– In that case, they are messengers, also known as demons. They belong to the darkness, act on the week points of the person, serve the purposes of the God of darkness. (Uriel)

– It was what has happened with me. Those voices almost lead me to perdition. However, at the moment I most needed, the forces of goodness became present and liberated me. (Aldivan)

– It is exactly what I need now. I need that restoring force to progress living with expectations. Teach me, son of God! (Rafaela Ferreira)

The son of God got emotional stood up positioning himself in front of everyone. Rafaela was another anguished, desperate and lost person, who cried out for help and with his experience he knew how painful was to feel alone in life. For a moment, he looks towards his inner and waits an answer from his father who loved him so much. He knew that if he asked he would listen, for in him Yahweh God found his pleasure.

With a sure and steady voice, he then speaks to his friends:

– My brothers, have faith in me. God Yahweh is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient and even having so many attributes, he still loves us as children. The only condition is that we follow his commandments written in the bible and up-dated in the Best—seller “God’s code”. The rest happens consequently.

– I want it. How can I enter the kingdom of God? (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Our kingdom is the kingdom of justice, peace and love and is open to everyone. My mission now is to look for people, spread God’s message and hope that it will spread by itself. You are part of that project. Do you accept? (The son of God)

– Yes. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Then from now on you are the first apostle. We need 11 more to complete the team. Welcome. (The seer)

– Thank you. (Rafaela)

– I also want it. (Renato)

– And us? (Jackeline)

– You a part of another plan. My apostles are all those that need my urgent help, specially the sinners— Explained the son of God.

– According to tradition, there are twelve that will become billions. (Rafael)

– Let the prophecy be accomplished. (Uriel)

– Thank you all. (The seer)

Saying that, the seer returned to his place and everyone restarted eating. At the end of the meal, they finally say goodbye, take their suitcases and leave the house. Now, towards Mimoso— Pesqueira, a village about twelve kilometres from where they were. It was there that everything has started.

Getting to the streets, they try to enjoy the last minutes at the wonderful land of the beloved Caraíbas, suggestively called Carabais in the book “The encounter between two worlds” and in “The opposing forces the mystery of the cave”. The reason for the change in name was the preservation of this magic place, surrounded by beauty, but now this wasn’t so important. “I am” in the person of Aldivan Teixeira Torres was ready to reveal itself.

They walk through the centre, turn left and follow the last street towards the asphalt road which would take back again to the edges of the highway BR 232. When they were at a safe distance and with no witnesses, Rafaela speaks:

– I am ready! Touch me, son of God!

Aldivan didn’t answer. While the others waited for his reaction, he approached his first apostle and gently embraces her. After, he moves away, concentrates and stretches the arm again touching the end of her hair. At that point, the ground shakes, the darkness of the knowledge reaches them all and then he has access to another part of the story of his dear friend:

“Rafaela continued ahead with her a life after the admission exam failure. She temporarily gave up enrolling at the faculty face the difficulties and concentrate on the home chores and in the sporadic social events. Without understanding, it was there that the danger lied. In one of outings, she met Marciano Fonseca, a forty years old young man saying he was single. They started a relationship, with comings and goings to her home. In time, the relationship becomes solid, they made love for the first time and then Rafaela demanded to meet his family to become engaged. From that moment on, everything changed. Marciano Fonseca practically disappeared and whenever showed up, gave lame excuses to the demands of his girlfriend. Dissatisfied, Rafaela suspected and pressed even more. It was then that he exploded and confessed everything, he was a married man with children and could not make a commitment. Nothing made sense after this profound deception that she suffered. It was then she met this enchanting group, led by the seer who promised to help. The beginning of a new story”.

The seer takes the hand away and with a smile exclaims:

– Let’s go brothers! There is no more place for sadness. Let bygones, be bygones. I now promise a great commitment to your causes. Accompany me to the destination, apostle and friends.

Nobody says anything, the seer starts to walk again and instinctively all obey and follow him. There start going down Caraíbas’ bend and being in the morning, the sun is not too strong.

Revisiting known landscapes, touching with his toes that enchanting place, they go ahead in the bends of destiny. In a good mood, the 1.5 km (A kilometre and half) of the distance feel very short. And so, they complete it in twenty minutes.

At the edge of the highway, they wait for an incoming bus. Luckily, one comes quickly, they board it and in a matter of minutes they are in the centre of Mimoso. They climb down, pay the fare and say goodbye to the others. Now a new story is coming up.

The group advances, pass Joaquim de Brito square, turn right, go straight and arrive at the centre. They pass a few houses, on the right-hand side and they stop at number twenty. In front of the door, they knock on it. In a flash, the door opens. From the house, appears a tall young woman, blonde, pretty, normal body, wearing sunglasses, cap, sandals, white Bermuda shorts, knitted shirt and blue panties showing through the see-through clothes. With a captivating smile, she starts talking.

– My God! The seer and his partner Renato and his class in my house! What honour! How can I help you?

– Hi, Bernadete Sousa! Everything Ok? I and my friends ask permission to have a chat with you. I heard that you are not well. (The seer)

– Oh, thank you. Please come in!

The hostess goes inside followed by the visitors. With six rooms (Two bedrooms, lounge, bathroom, kitchen and service area) it was a typical medium size house. They settled in the living room, furnished with a settee, shelves, sound equipment and a small table. The décor comprises of pictures, curtains and statuettes spread around to the millimetre.

With a little effort they all fit in the simple but cushioned settee. Then the conversation begins:

–And you, Aldivan? Don’t you introduce your friends to me? (Bernadete)

– Yes, of course. I beg your pardon. This is Rafaela Ferreira, a friend from Arcoverde, these two are Rafael and Uriel, pointing out each one of them. (The son of God)

– Pleased to meet you. Welcome all. (Bernadetete)

– Thank you. (The others simultaneously)

– How are you? (The seer)

– You know it. I have not recovered yet. Everything is very recent. (Bernadete)

– What has happened? What is her problem, master? (Rafaela)

– Bernadete Sousa was a rape victim. Consequently, she got pregnant and under her patents’ pressure, who wanted to see her married and virgin, she left home and had an abortion. This happened three days ago. (The son of God)

– I am sorry. (Rafaela)

– Thank you. (Bernadete)

– We came here to invite you to go on a journey with non—defined destination.

– What is the objective? (Bernadete)

– To show you God. (Uriel)

– I don’t know. God seems to have forgotten me, for he allowed that beast to rape me. Since then, my life became an inferno and I didn’t deserve it— Said Bernadete with bitterness.

– Do not repeat that! My father never allows evil things to happen. We cannot make God responsible for the actions of a delinquent part of humanity. I saw it. I was there, in the beginning of everything. God made an agreement with the universe, that he would not interfere with anything happening. This is a consequence of the free will —Explained the son of God.

– Then who must I make responsible? Destiny? Explain it to me, please. (Bernadete)

– Destiny is also a creative force. I cannot make it responsible either, because we are responsible, in a great way, for our happiness. (The seer)

– Then I don’t know what to say. (Bernadete)

– It was a fatality. It must be overcome so that you continue your life head high up. (Rafael)

– As for the abortion, I understand you. (Renato)

– Indeed, Renato? That is not what most people do. I have already been judged and condemned by them. (Bernadete)

– I know it. But I am not like the rest of the world. (Renato)

– How good. Thank you. (Bernadete)

– What do you say, son of God? (Uriel)

– Life for me and my father is sacred, whatever the situation is. But I was sent here to say that I don’t condemn. I am here to call you to my midst and to cover the darkness of your sin with my light and my father’s, do you accept? (The seer)

– Yes, I don’t know how but I need you, you person. Your words fill me with hope and expectations. What must I do? (Bernadete)

– Join Rafaela and become also my apostle. Soon, we will make an interesting enriching journey through this world. Is it alright with you? (The seer)

Bernadete thinks for a few moments. Lately, her life was summed up, working as municipal servant and her private pain. Everything seemed lost up to this moment. Would it be wrong to accept the proposal? She didn’t know, but for the little she knew about Aldivan he was trustworthy, a symbol of persistence, guts and fight. There were no more doubts.


– I want it! It seems madness, but I think it is my only chance. When do we leave? (Bernadete)

– Right now. (The son of God)

– Wait a moment. Just need time to have a bath and pack the suitcases. (Bernadete)

– Ok. (Aldivan)

Bernadete goes away to get ready for the journey. While this happens, the conversation continues lively in the lounge about other subjects. Sometime later, the hostess returns to the lounge and everything being ready, they depart. They go through the door, lock it and return to the streets.

Outside, they go through the centre, turn the corner again and head to the small chapel of Saint Sabastian. There, they make a stop. The seer takes advantage to speak:

– Renato, do you remember? It was here that our adventures started, a mad journey through time. I had an experience in the desert, faced ghosts and demonic men, fought the final battle and survived. See! Nothing is impossible to those who believe in God.

– Yes, I remember, partner. I was only a child then and with my help, we balanced the opposing forces, solved injustices and helped someone to find himself. It was incredible! (Renato)

– And now I remember our encounter in Arcoverde. How good it was to have accepted your invitation. Every minute, I feel better and more hopeful. (Rafaela Ferreira)

– I was before God begging for the success of both— Revealed Rafael.

– And I was the angel who helped you in the final battle. (Uriel Ikiriri)

– Goodness! I never suspected! (The seer)

– Yes. At that time, everything ought to be a secret, for your own good. (Uriel)

– Mysteries of the universe! (Exclaimed Renato)

– It is so! (The seer)

– I also want to be part of your life! I am afflicted by the circumstances and I only have you to turn to. Help me son of God! (Pleaded Bernadete)

Aldivan became emotional again. In front of him, was another suffering woman, affected by the circumstances and the human evil. He knew very well what that was. Numerous times, he had been violated corporally and spiritually by the human scum. Despite everything, he forgave the infamies and offences, even if they did not deserve it. As their brother and father, he loved all, friends and foes. For if he loves only your friends, what award would he get? Don’t the pagans also do it? Be perfect like his father and sons, who give sun and rain for the righteous and the evil, indistinctly”.

Armed with this sentiment, he approaches the lass, gives a smile, stretches the arm and softly touch her face with the tip of his fingers. In those fragile and well-made curves, he can see a little of the inside of that creature, in a quick vision:

“It was a clear night, peaceful and with little movement in the village of Mimoso, in middle November of 2014. Bernadete had just come from mass and being the only catholic in the family walked alone. Initially heading home was intercepted by a stranger asking for directions how to reach the cousin’s home at the back the road. Trying to be polite, she explained in detail to him how to get there, but the stranger appeared very confused. At the end of the explanation, he asked her if she could go with him and personally show him the way. Very naïve and full of pity, Bernadete accepted the proposal and went with him to the back street. They passed the centre, turn towards south, and at the first time they were alone, the man grabbed her, gagged her with tape so she didn’t shout, and finally took her to an empty plot. There, using violence, he had sex with her. In the end, he beat her up and threatened to kill her if she reported him. After, disappeared towards the road so wouldn’t be caught and identified. There started Bernadete’s despair. Now, she was dishonoured and marked forever by a strange, who in her opinion, was sent by the devil. However, the worse was still to come”.

The seer, in shock, takes his hand away. What a thing! This was one more example of how far human evil has gone. If it weren’t for his constant prayers, surely the world and mankind would no longer exist.

Full of compassion, he embraces the apostle, comes away a little and says:

– I can see! All I can say is that by my side nothing will happen to you. My father has promised me and my followers happiness, success and safety.

– And what must I do? How to reach this level of safety? (Bernadete Sousa)

Aldivan turns to her and the others. Full of the holy spirit, he speaks:

You pray like this: “Eternal father, lord of the spiritual and carnal armies, I beg of you, peace, tranquillity, joy, happiness and your protection on earth. I beg of you that wherever I go, my feet walk to success, bliss and sanctity. Free me from evildoers, slanders, kidnappers, hired assassins, the stray bullets, swindlers and any criminal type. Free me from the spiritual forces opposing mine, for example, demons, spiritual beasts, spiritual powers and all their tricks, such as black magic, works, spells and witchcraft. That the infernal gates do not approach, do not defeat me, nor prevail in my life.Finally, that nothing bad happens to me, my family and all who accompany me. I beg you for the mercies of the cross, of the seven thousand virgins, the pure spirits, the angels, the chosen ones and all the benign forces. God of mine, do not ever abandon me. Amen.”

– How often should we pray? (Rafaela Ferreira)

– Everyday, for the enemies await looking for only a slip of ours. When you go praying, go to your room, and affectionately talk to the father. I promise that to those reciting this prayer with convict faith, will be lacking nothing and in the spiritual aspect will obtain protection and predilection by God’s side. Do not give up, brothers. Our strength is in praying. (The son of God)

– Thank you. (Bernadete Sousa)

– Nothing at all. Are we going, Rafael? (The seer)

– Yes, let’s go— He answered.

The group continues to walk in a northern direction, towards the road giving access to the highway BR 232. Next destination: Pesqueira, the land of grace and lace.

On the way, they meet acquaintances and strangers and out of politeness, they greet everyone. At that point, everything conspired in favour and was necessary that they continue to follow their own values.

As everything in Mimoso is near, in ten minutes, the group gets to the road and as a coincidence, an empty bus pass exactly at that time. They get in the vehicle, a grey coloured beast of fifteen seats.

When everything is ready, the journey restarts. Along the road, they have the chance to admire the wild nature, passing through the villages of Novo Cajueiro, Riacho Fundo and Ipanema. After this point, there were fourteen kilometres to cover.

As they go along, they try to entertain themselves the best way possible. Arriving at Pesqueira, there are dropped in the centre, opposite the cathedral of Santa Agueda. From there, they head in the direction of the bus to Cimbres, that is a few blocks away, and near the local bus station.

Going from side to side in the streets, making strategic stops, the seer’s team stood out wherever they passed. Together, they gave the impression of being a sole body in search of a mutual realization, apart from being protected against eventual attacks. What bandit would risk confront them? Even unarmed, they knew too well how to defend themselves.

The weather gets hotter. They step up the pace, making shorter the distance separating them from the destination. Every second was important in the life of those who were in a hurry to win and be happy.

It was thus, that with no major setbacks, they arrive at the bus stop. It was exactly 10H00 and they must wait a while until making up the numbers, with seven more passengers. When it is completed, they get in the transport, a green combi, with the side windows broken, and start the trip.

They cross he centre, climb up the neighbourhood of Water tank, and take an asphalt road, but in bad condition. Going up a steep incline, narrow road and sinuous bends, the combi reaches the mountain top and takes the flat part. This was a relief to everyone.