
Simple Truths of Life

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Now you need to understand what money is. This truth is also very simple, but it may not be so obvious given that money is an integral part of our society. I realized it only when I became interested in Bitcoin.

Imagine that there are three nations on the planet, each of which, for their own reasons, does not want to unite with the other into one society. Society A produces a surplus of what B needs; B has what C needs; C grows a lot of products that A needs. In this example, the exchange of goods occurs at different times of the year, and all societies have computer technologies.

What happens when A gives goods to B? They make a corresponding entry in the general catalog that A gave B a certain amount of products and did not receive anything material in return for it. The catalog belongs to all three countries, and each side has its own observers who are present at the transfer of goods and make sure that the entry in the catalog is accurate.

Even before creating the catalog, people determined for themselves how much of a product would correspond to another product. For this purpose, they could take either the smallest available product, or come up with a physically non-existent product that would be equal to one, and then they would count how many such units are in other products. If, with the development of technology, something appears that contains only a part of a 1, then a fractional number less than 1 is simply used. Thanks to this, we can easily calculate from the catalog which country has received less production.

Suppose A has 10,000 Not Received Units (NRU) after shipping its product to country B. Please note that since the number means non-received products, no one will try to specifically accumulate as many such units as possible, because this means that the country gave a bunch of real goods to others, but received literally nothing in return.

And now A receives products from C. As before, a record is made in the catalog about how many products C gave and to whom – A, which did not give anything in return. Depending on the quantity of the delivered goods, the following occurs:

1) if the product is 10,000 units, then A now has 0 NRU, and C now has 10,000, since up to this moment it had 0 in this example;

2) if the goods are equal to 6,000 units, then A has 4,000 NRU, and C has 6,000;

3) if the goods are equal to 13,500 units, then A has 0 NRU, and C has 13,500. A does not have -3,500 units, since it has completely closed its shortage in received products – 0 is the minimum value, as we only care if a country has a certain amount of not received products or not. C can then get a lot of things for its 13,500 without the need to give anything in return;

4) if the goods are equal to 6,000 units, and A simultaneously provides C with products equal to 3,000 units, then A has 7,000 Not Received Units (10,000 – 6,000 + 3,000), and С has 3,000 (6,000 – 3,000).

And so, we understand that money is just an entry in the catalog about how much products the society has not received in the process of product exchange with other countries. For this reason, there is no reason for a society to accumulate a large amount of unreceived products in the form of a large sum of money.

As you understand, this money does not have inflation. And the products themselves cannot decrease in price. A chicken will remain a chicken, and a cow will remain a cow in 300 years. Yes, new technologies will vary how much for the delivery of such products (phones, cars, etc.) the country will receive NRU. This is logical, since, for example, we have more equipment in new cars than in models from the 1980s.

The “price” of a product can be determined by the calorie content and usefulness of one kilogram of it. Other parameters also affect the “price”. Moreover, the price will be fixed only when all countries agree with it. Nobody can just say that a product is worth a million units because they like that number. I will leave it to scientists to decide the price of each individual product.

In reality, we will be able to safely use such currencies as dollars and euros with many countries. And if 3 or more countries want to create the aforementioned catalog and trade through it, then why not? This catalog will not in the least prevent countries from trading with others for already existing money… will it?

Modern money works on the same principle, but there is a catch in that it does not belong to the whole society, but to individuals. The process of creating modern money is also different, and few people understand how it works – but at the same time everyone uses money, and many do not bother to wonder about this process. You can often hear about broadening one's horizons, but I wonder if people should also learn to expand their focus – if we take photography for the analogy.

When you are given a salary, you receive absolutely nothing material for your work. But having money on your hands allows you to exchange it for something tangible, be it food, clothing, tools, etc. Accordingly, the more money you have on hand, the poorer you are (usually) – everything is the same as in my example with countries that temporarily become poorer, until another country gives them its products, lowering NRU of the country that got the goods. Your “wealth” is potential, not actual. You will become actually richer only when you buy something with this money; but here, too, there is a capitalistic trick – not everything that is sold under capitalism is of real benefit to you, and other things could harm you, or even kill you. Then there is a possibility that money can simply depreciate – that is why many people try to keep their money in movable and immovable property.

Under capitalism there are a lot of jobs that, to put it mildly, do not improve the life of the whole society, and sometimes even make it worse, trying with various tricks to swindle money out of people so that they buy something that they do not really need. This fact leads us to the following truths:

1) Many people see the obvious – if they got a lot of “easy” money in a small amount of time, they could buy a lot with it. Since, depending on material and spiritual knowledge, people do what they believe will benefit them themselves in the situation in which they find themselves, then under capitalism there are people who do not have much spiritual knowledge, and for this reason they commit crimes in order to get those very “easy” money. Of course, they are making a mistake, for which sooner or later they will pay, but society also suffers for its decision to use money within the country to obtain food and goods. Vital food, things, and simple housing should be free for everyone, without exception. This is the only way crime in the country will decline, which in turn will reduce the number of police officers.

2) This brings us to the next truth. All those people who are now engaged in, essentially, parasitic activities, as well as those who are called upon to eliminate the crime, will no longer have the need to engage in their activities if everything necessary for healthy life becomes free of charge even for the temporarily unemployed and those who generally do not want to do anything. Society will benefit from this, since the chances of being cheated for money will suddenly plummet – and if society knows about everything that I wrote about in my main book, then the chances that people will be cheated for other reasons, such as for sex, will fall even further. Further, society will benefit from the fact that many of those people who now do not participate in the production of useful products, but consume them, will go to work at useful for society jobs, which will reduce the average working day for all people in the country.

It can also be noted that it will not be necessary to have a huge amount of educational websites (foreign languages, history, physics, etc.), since there is only one truth. We will only need one website, which will be completely controlled by the society, and where scientists and researchers with the proper education and experience will write. As for theories, it will be possible to create a separate section, or a forum, for this. Naturally, people will be able to run their websites and blogs – just like they do now. All this should reduce the amount of (informational) noise that is created by the desire of people to find a way to make money. All those people will also be able to go to work and help reduce the total working hours.

It has to do with the saying “work hard”. Many things already have their own monopolist. For example, photo editors, 3D programs, music applications, etc. Work hard or not, it is hard to do something useful and necessary, improve those programs, and at the same time come out ahead – and the first places will be taken only if people stop using the competitor's products and start using yours. Here again we could have one program for the whole planet that would be improved and improved collectively by all people who can offer something new and useful. Of course, such a program could consist of different modules, pieces, so that people do not have to download a bunch of gigabytes of data just to correct the color balance of a photograph, for example.

Thus, we can see the reason why the presence of money within society is a huge mistake – they encourage the division of people within society, when everyone is for himself, and sometimes for his loved ones and relatives. Further, people are divided into so-called classes, and with politics, people are divided even further. Then people are divided by religions. Next, the further division of people is influenced by a variety of news agencies, which often contradict each other in their reports – yet, there is only one truth.

All these divisions lead to the fact that people “drag” the country in different directions, since people have different views on what they think will benefit them. This is very dangerous for society as a whole, since all these groups of people within such a society want to protect themselves and their interests. Injustice and conflicts with such a wrong system of organizing society are guaranteed – which we see in all countries where there is money, politicians, religions, and journalists for whom the oath to tell the truth, only the truth, and nothing but the truth is just a ritual. Society often becomes the enemy of many corrupt governments, since people, being the real bearers of power, are able to punish corrupt officials if they can unite. One of the reasons why divide and conquer tactics exist and can be heard of a lot in modern times.


There is also a finite amount of money. This is important to understand when you hear someone say that if you worked harder, you would have as much money as multimillionaires – if everyone had the same amount of money, then we would live under socialism. In fact, businesses are looking for ways to suck money out of people so that they voluntarily give it to the business, which leads to the impoverishment of the majority of the population and the enrichment of the few – as long as people agree that money has value.

I will not dwell on the negative consequences of capitalism in detail, since there is a lot of information about this on the Internet. For example, you can watch video clips of these four YouTube channels, which I give links to at the end of the book.[28] The original purpose of my book was to talk about what most people currently know little about.

It is worth briefly touching on the topic of competition, which you can hear so often right now. Competition withing a society is needed only if people use money. Since a corporation belongs only to a narrow circle of people, and since all people do what will benefit them, the chances are that not very spiritual leadership will want to raise the price of their products in order to rake even more money from people – for themselves. The monopolist company will set high prices and will not develop products too much further, which will damage a large part of society. In my proposed system without money, all people own production and will do what will bring benefit them – for the whole society. Also, society is motivated by the development of technology, the advancement of science, since this will improve the life of all people with a reasonable approach to how technology is used (without going to extremes).

In a moneyless society, it is better to have 1 enterprise employing 100 people who share knowledge, discoveries, and ideas with each other, than to have 2 competing enterprises employing 50 people in each, and those people are prohibited from sharing new knowledge, discoveries, and ideas. The first is clearly more effective than the second, since if 1 person in such a team has a bright, but incomplete idea, then another person may have a missing element in his knowledge bank to complete that idea and then solve the main, common task, the result of which is important to all people. In the second case, those two people could be in two different competing enterprises, and they would never almost instantly solve the problem posed – it could take a lot of time and require a lot of effort and resources before the main task would be solved.

It is worth saying that things like restaurants, hairdressers, and other small businesses will remain. One difference will be that they will be managed by people living within a certain radius from a particular building. Locals will be able to vote on changes to the restaurant, since the restaurant exists for them, and not vice versa. Of course, even before creating a local vote, you will need to find out about the availability of certain things or products that you want to supply to the restaurant, and you will also need to make sure that other people will not be harmed. This is not so difficult to do when using computer technology to track the balanced distribution of resources and products in a society. The same applies to small-scale production of niche products that most people may not need. After the approval of the project in an open voting, the organizers will be given factory premises, and they will be able to order the production and supply of the necessary resources and tools. Naturally, in the event of a shortage of resources or tools, priority will be given to socially important factories and plants.

So, all movable and immovable property, which is not housing (an apartment, a country house, etc) and which is of great importance for the whole society, becomes public property. That is, big shops, fields, farms, factories, plants, mines, etc. go to society; while cafes, restaurants, small workshops, etc. remain with the previous owners. Those owners will not be able to take any action with this property, except to make it a public property. Naturally, when the owner dies, his property automatically passes to society (apart from housing, about which I talk above). These balanced measures should help to reduce the tension in order to give people a chance to come to freedom and justice of the new spiritually oriented organization of society.

It is worth clarifying that people living in villages (townships, etc.) and city districts will vote for local former private properties that are close to their place of residence and do not play a big role for all people in the country (hairdresser, cafes, small theaters etc.).

What matters to all people in the country (fields, farms, factories, resorts, historic buildings [theaters, museums], etc.) will be governed either by the voting of all the people in the country, or by the Council of Seven.

Local voting will also affect abandoned houses, which people can either demolish for, for example, more landscaping of the city, or renovate. In the presence of homeless people (which will exist after capitalism) the existing and habitable houses need to be renovated, of course, so that the former homeless can live in them at the initial stage of the new moneyless lifestyle.

Of course, all kinds of real art will remain. Here, too, there will be changes for the better, since people will no longer create films, paintings, etc. for money. I would also like people to pay more attention to the architectural side of their buildings and houses – now many buildings are simple reinforced concrete boxes, which does not have a very good effect on our psyche. It is also worth remembering about the balance between artificial structures and nature between them. Massive displacement of nature, even if very beautifully designed buildings are involved, will not do much good for human spiritual development and mental health.

As for the secrets of science and military affairs, the disclosure of which can ruin the country, I would advise people to vote at what percentage of those who voted “yes”, as well as at what turnout, society will be able to declassify classified documents for themselves (and the whole world). For example, 81% with 81% turnout of people over 18 years old (who are capable of making important decisions; e.g. have proper education) – in fact, it is worth turning to science and knowledge to determine these numbers more precisely.

Also, people should not forget that resources are not unlimited, which means that overpopulation can become a real problem. It is the task of each society to calculate how many people they are able to feed on their territory. This number will be a limit for the population, meaning that if the population is close to this figure, then there is a recommendation for women not to have more than two children, which should keep the population at the same level. And if the population will exceed the calculated limit, then there is a recommendation for women to have only one child – this recommendation will be canceled when the amount of people naturally falls to a stable number. Here I would recommend read about the “Symptothermal Fertility Recognition Method”.

So how do you come to this new way of organizing society, given that we live under capitalism?

It must be remembered that people do what they believe will benefit them or not make their life worse. These decisions are influenced by what material situation people are in, and what spiritual and material knowledge they have about this situation. Knowledge is power.

It follows from this that, of course, you first need to prove the reality of at least some of the things that are said in Michel Desmarquet's book Thiaoouba Prophecy. Almost everyone can do this if they try to follow my example. I described in the book how I was able to learn to see Auras while concentrating on my pineal gland, partially separated my Astral body from my physical one (Astral projection), learned telekinesis, and had some experience with my Higher Self. You can learn to do all of this too. This is not a gift, but knowledge.

Also, do not forget about the abilities of the Higher Self of the first category: curing illness and resuscitating the dead.

But at the same time, information should be disseminated about the book by Michel Desmarquet, and, if you wish, about my book which you are reading now. Here it is necessary to understand that many people will not go looking for life-without-money and spirituality on their own, since they have no reason for this – they do not have the necessary knowledge to try to find information about these things. Remember that knowledge is the root cause of all decisions and actions taken, and therefore it is important that people who read this book spread knowledge themselves to all their friends, loved ones, and relatives – regardless of their views and beliefs.

If you want, you can use social networks to educate others. But it is best to just talk to everyone you know. Tell them what you read about in these free e-books. Tell them about spirituality and the proposed model for organizing society in this Manifesto. Let them read these books themselves which will cost them nothing but time. But during this time they will be able to learn a lot of new and interesting things, if we talk about Thiaoouba Prophecy; you decide for yourself what you want to think about my book. In turn, some of those people who see the truth will themselves spread knowledge among their friends and relatives, and so on along the chain until almost everyone knows.

Suppose it happened. What is next?

First, we need to talk about some of the details of the transition to a moneyless and politicians-free form of organization of society.

People will defend what they have. This must be remembered if society wants the most painless transition to freedom and absence of money. For this reason, and as I have already mentioned (repetition is the mother of learning), each person will continue to have absolutely everything material that he had under capitalism – apartments, dachas, cars, money – everything. This is his property which he earned in a society whose people agreed by their actions that people can have almost anything if they have money. The only exception is that property which plays way too large of a role for the whole society to allow it to remain in the possession of one person (or a small group of people).

Additionally, absolutely all loans and other financial debts will be canceled, since they exist due to the fact that society wants them to be a part of their life. People always have power, and if the majority of people in society suddenly decide that they no longer want to have money within their territory on the planet, then they will not have money by definition. Remember the analogy with your house and workers. And just as a side note, it is impossible to pay off the loan when everything is free and there is no salary.

Your personal money will naturally remain in your bank account, as it is your personal property. You just no longer have to use it to get various products and services within your country. Here, too, all banks will be able to merge into one bank completely controlled by the society – for simplicity. The printing of money in your country will stop accordingly. And yes, your currency’s exchange rate is likely to change; namely, it can go down, up, or remain in the same place in relation to other currencies – because of the huge number of variables, it is difficult to say exactly what will happen.

All property will also remain with its owners, regardless of how many real estate each person can have after the nationwide open voting. But they will be able to gift it to someone, for example, children, before the voting, and after that, if the donee does not have a limit of available real estate, and the real estate itself does not exceed the property limits chosen by the people. If the bourgeoisie will have knowledge from Thiaoouba, then with this approach, many representatives of the bourgeoisie will not oppose changes, since they will not be oppressed (concerning their personal property).


By the way, I hope I do not need to talk about why limits on real estate are even needed when everything is absolutely free! In fact, it would be nice to have limits on personal vehicles – just in case.

If the real estate exceeds the selected limits – for example, huge plots with huge mansions, then local residents will decide for themselves what to do with them after the death of the owners: to make an apartment building, demolish and divide the site into established areas, or save and use the building for something else.

There is no reason to go into all the details right now. I just want to make it clear that with complete democracy and unity, people can get justice. Time (periods) moves in the same way for all people, and therefore it is not fair that different people sometimes receive a thousand times more money and, accordingly, material things than other people, who often do much more important work.

Then people should not focus too much on various conspiracy theories and rumors. Of course, it is very bad that some high-ranking people do very bad things, but the fact is that there is very little society can do about it directly, since it requires proof, evidence, witnesses, etc. Naturally, criminals will not just sit and look at how others are trying to get them imprisoned. This brings us to two points.

Firstly, in my opinion, people should spend their time on self-education and on educating of their loved ones and acquaintances about all those things that they could learn from Michel Desmarquet's book and from mine. The faster we self-educate as a whole society, the faster we can stop suffering for our mistakes.

Secondly, people will have to give amnesty to all thieves and corrupt officials – no matter who they are and what position they held. This must be done if people want to have a chance to move to the new spiritual form of organizing society without a single death, since otherwise some of the criminals will defend themselves by eliminating the threat. Violence, as they say, breeds violence. Remember that no one can escape the Law of the Universe. Even Jesus had to pay for his mistakes of the past. All those people who commit a crime against their peoples will sooner or later be punished by the Universal Law for their mistakes – they will have to suffer for their own wrong choices. People should also remember that because of their own decisions and actions (including inaction), they have their own government and all the injustice. One of these mistakes lies in the use of money, and the other lies in the completely wrong way of choosing leaders. Of course, we are not talking about forgiving serious crimes (murder, rape, child molestation, etc.) – but it will be possible to significantly mitigate their punishment if those individuals decide to cooperate rather than interfere with people.

Policemen, and other units with weapons, will also benefit more from a moneyless society than from money. In addition to the fact that they, like everyone else, will be able to receive many products for free, they will not need to deal with a large number of criminals, which will increase their chances of a quiet life, and soon many will be able to go to work elsewhere; and if need be, they can get an education. Therefore, it is important that people calmly and unobtrusively educate people in law enforcement agencies about how the new way of organizing society will work. They should also know about real spirituality and the purpose of the Universe; well, and that the Law of the Universe does not care if they “obey orders” – a mistake is a mistake, from the consequences of which no one can escape. So, most of them will be on the side of millions of ordinary people, and not on the side of a few people who are blindly hungry for money and power. It will be impossible to “buy” such policemen with a large salary – a free, democratic, spiritual, moneyless, healthy, and generally balanced in all areas society is the biggest “salary” one can get.

The policemen themselves should be hired based on their Aura, which will show the degree of their spirituality – that is, you need to take more or less spiritual people who are good and kind people, and not those who just want to see themselves being stronger than others. Needless to say, the police should not have any “plans” for detecting violations per unit of time, so that people working in the police do not have the desire to look for violations where such do not exist. A civilized society will strive to completely eliminate crime, and, accordingly, to have minimum of police in the country.

Here I can also mention the judicial system. With the modern justice system, there is a chance to convict an innocent, or to release a criminal into the street. I would advise you to pay attention to the judicial system of the Bakaratinians (from the book “Thiaoouba Prophecy”) who used six specially trained telepaths to read the thoughts of a suspect who, sooner or later, simply could not help but start think of something. The first session lasted six hours, and from time to time unexpected sounds were used to disturb the suspect's concentration. The same procedure was used for all witnesses, but in a different building. No one exchanged a word. In the next two days, the procedure was carried out again, but this time it lasted eight hours. Then all the “mind readers” submitted their notes to the three judges who interviewed and cross-examined the suspect and witnesses. On my own behalf, I will say that perhaps reading Auras could also help to reveal the liar – but only if the person agrees to answer the questions – some criminals will probably remain silent so as not to betray the truth.

When people disseminate knowledge and understand that the majority “green lights” the proposed idea, then they will be able to initiate a public open voting for the new form of the spiritual organization of society. Voting should be open, as this will not allow anyone to change someone else’s vote.

After the formal confirmation of the people's choice on paper, people will need to vote for different individual details of the functioning of society: how many real estate one person can have, and other details related to apartments and summer cottages (maximum height of country houses, minimum indentation of walls of a country house from the edge of the neighboring plot, maximum footage of apartments, etc.); the degree of punishment for serious crimes (murder, rape, etc.), etc. Naturally, people do not vote “yes” or “no” at once for all the items, but vote for each item separately.

If people vote responsibly, then very rarely will they have to vote for amendments – ideally never.

After that, people will need to really live according to the new rules that they themselves have chosen for themselves. Remember that people have power, as each person's decision plays a role in where the whole society moves. Written words on paper do not mean anything if people's actions are completely different. There have been cases in history when the overwhelming majority of people voted for one thing, but a handful of politicians decided differently… and the overwhelming majority followed the minority… There are also examples when people in the so-called “power” acted against the laws, but many people did not care – they were busy with their material concerns, not seeing the root cause of their suffering.