The Colors Of A Optimistic World

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If you want to lose weight with the detox recipes for your vitamin water, then you are also absolutely dependent on a suitable diet. The best willpower will not help you if you eat only the vitamin water for a day or two and then return to your original eating habits in the next few days. Ideally, you should follow a diet that will help you lose weight along with the flavoured water recipes.

It is important that you drink your detox water throughout the day. Moreover, the fluid requirement is higher with all diets than with a normal diet. It is not advisable to follow this diet for longer than a week to avoid a lack of nutrients in your diet, even with daily vitamin water. Through this nutrition plan for one week, and the recipes for your aroma water, you are now able to thoroughly purify your body and relieve the organism. It is advisable to do such a detox cure several times a year, because even with a really strict fasting cure it is not guaranteed that in several days, so easily, all toxins that have accumulated over the years can be eliminated. Also strict fasting cures, without medical supervision or instruction, are not recommended anyway. Otherwise, please make sure you offer your body sufficient peace and relaxation. The less respect you give your mobile phone these days, the better. Stress should be avoided as much as possible.

Sauna sessions relax very well and also provide for even more sweating. Take your vitamin water with you to compensate for the loss of fluid. Of course you should also get some fresh air during walks and sleep at least six hours in the night. You will see how fit and healthy you will feel after this detox cure. So that you will certainly consciously avoid unhealthy food afterwards.

Vitamin water especially for the athlete

Athletes naturally have a completely different nutritional requirement than people who move very little. For our organism, sport is comparable to stressful situations, as the body has to adapt to these circumstances. The processes, for the entire metabolism, usually take place in a strongly accelerated form. They are therefore dependent on large amounts of carbohydrates, fat and proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Most professional athletes have nutrition experts work out their dietary plan to add all nutrients to their body in the right amounts. In many cases they are even dependent on special dietary supplements, such as proteins, for muscle building or for an optimal energy supply. For most athletes, a lack of nutrients also means a restriction of their performance. Although the nutrient requirements can usually be covered by a balanced diet, this is unfortunately not always the case. A good example of this are women who suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding. As a result, many women also have a clear iron deficiency. It is therefore quite logical that a high calorie consumption also requires many more vitamins and nutrients. Since many vitamins can only be stored in small quantities or in part in general not in our organism, a sufficient supply of vitamin C and also vitamin B must be ensured in any case. Water-soluble vitamins can hardly be stored at all. Fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, as well as vitamins E and K, can be deposited in body fat for later use.

The water-soluble vitamins are excreted more through sweat and urine. If the vitamin supply is neglected, then this can lead not only to a vitamin deficiency over a longer period of time, but also to a deficit with regard to antioxidants, since thereby more and more free radicals spread in our body. The lack of vitamins or nutrients is expressed by rapid fatigue, lack of appetite, performance deficits and attacks of weakness. High susceptibility to infection can also be a clear sign of vitamin deficiency and a weakened immune system.

Vitamin B is basically composed of eight different vitamins of the B group. These include thiamine, vitamin B1, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folic acid and cobalamin, vitamin B12, which are particularly important for energy production, blood formation, skin and nails as well as for thyroid function. Vitamin B also influences nerve strength and our sensitivity to stress. These vitamins are found in cereals and pulses, in meat, soy, dairy products and also in germs. Vitamin B12, however, is almost completely absent from plant foods, but can be stored in our bodies. Frequent tingling in arms and legs may be an indication of a deficiency of these vitamins, as well as dropsy and indigestion, fatigue and cramps. An increased need is not only the case with athletes, but also with diets, as well as with the taking of medicines such as antibiotics or the birth control pill. Since UV light and prolonged cooking have a negative effect on these vitamins, the vegetables should only be steamed so that their nutritional values are not lost. For your vitamin water you can use leaves from lamb's lettuce, which contains a lot of folic acid. But also sesame seeds or sunflower seeds. The alga Chlorella contains large amounts of vitamin B12.

As has already been mentioned several times, vitamin C is not only found in fruit but also in some vegetables. According to the DGE, the German Society for Nutrition, our body is dependent on around 100 milligrams of vitamin C daily in order to function normally. Vitamin C is important for the energy metabolism, for our immune system, as well as for the formation of collagen. Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant that can protect our body cells from oxidative stress. Especially during sports or other physical exertion it is important to cover the need for this vitamin well, so that our immune system can remain intact through the efforts. Athletes may need 200 milligrams per day, depending on their activity. Higher quantities are generally not recommended, as otherwise they are excreted unprocessed. A lot of vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, berries and kiwi, as well as in spinach, garlic and garden cress. The need for ascorbic acid or vitamin C can therefore also be met relatively easily by athletes if they ensure a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and additionally enrich their vitamin water with these ingredients. So it's not just a question of taste, but of covering the higher demand. The skin contains many more antioxidant compounds, which is why the fruit for the flavoured water should not be peeled, but only divided.

Vitamin D or pantothenic acid is present in meat, fish and wheat. It has a supporting effect on our energy metabolism, on the muscle functions, the immune system, as well as for the teeth and bones. Vitamin D is often also called sun vitamin, as we can absorb a large part of our requirements through solar radiation. However, this ability decreases with increasing age, which increases the risk of osteoporosis from the age of 65. This fat-soluble vitamin is especially important for vegans, as well as for people who live mainly in dark rooms. On average, only two to four micrograms of vitamin D are absorbed through food. However, the recommended daily requirement is 20 micrograms. Large amounts of pantothenic acid are found in fatty fish, but small amounts may also be found in mushrooms, avocados and eggs. Depending on the sport, it may be advisable to use dietary supplements to prevent deficiency symptoms. Vitamin D is also available in powder form, which is of course ideal for the preparation of vitamin water.

Vitamin E is contained in many skin care products, which is why it is often referred to as a vitamin for beauty. In addition, this vitamin is important for almost all cells, as it has an important influence on cell division and also strengthens and protects it very well. Vitamin E is also a good antioxidant as it can neutralize the free radicals in our body. As athletes are exposed to heavy stress during intensive training, vitamin E is particularly important for cell protection. The recommended daily requirement for adults is between 12 and 14 milligrams. Depending on the activities, athletes may need twice as much. This fat-soluble vitamin is found in wholemeal products, vegetable oils, as well as in almonds and nuts. A lack of vitamin E can lead to nervousness and significant mood swings, joint pain, delayed wound healing and a complete loss of physical and mental performance. Vitamin E is therefore absolutely necessary, as a deficit can also lead to sensory disorders and coordination problems. This clearly shows that this vitamin is much more than just a beauty vitamin. Vegetables such as parsnips, pumpkin, spinach, cabbage and paprika are suitable for vitamin water.

Vitamin K can protect us from many diseases, including cancer. It regulates blood coagulation and is involved in bone formation. This fat-soluble vitamin also keeps our blood vessels clean, as it prevents the available calcium from settling in the arteries as plaque, which leads to calcification of the artery walls. A deficiency of vitamin K can adversely affect blood coagulation. Vitamin K is present in most green plants, leaves, but also in liver and eggs. According to the German Society for Nutrition, the recommended dose is between 60 and 70 micrograms for adults, or about twice that for competitive athletes. The leaves of beetroot, parsley, chives and avocados are suitable for the vitamin water of athletes. But grass powder, such as kamut grass or wheatgrass, also contains a great deal of vitamin K. By the way, wheatgrass is a real healer, because this food contains an extraordinary density of nutrients. Barley grass has many more vitamins, minerals, enzymes and bioflavonoids than other green plants, which is why it is also one of the best known antioxidants. It lowers cholesterol levels, improves the skin's elasticity and also activates the intestinal flora.


The increased need for vitamins among athletes is due to the following reasons:

- Higher energy metabolism

- Higher metabolism and need for proteins, fat and carbohydrates

- More oxidative stress or free radicals through sport

- More susceptible immune system

- Higher oxygen transport necessary

- Higher losses due to sweating

- Higher consumption through muscle work

Not only vitamins are vital for athletes, as minerals also play a considerable role. For example, many competitive athletes lack iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. The intake of sodium is also often neglected in the diet. By the way, a deficit can be expressed not only in a drop in performance, but also through a higher risk of injury.

Even if you are not a competitive athlete yourself, but only a completely normal recreational athlete, you should absolutely pay attention to a balanced supply with the valuable nutrients. Wrong eating habits, with too much fat or sugar, for example, can lead to health problems and even serious illnesses during sports, stress or other physical and mental strain.

As an athlete, you must also pay attention to the minerals, as an intensive workout also excretes more minerals through the sweat. This can endanger the electrolyte balance in particular, because without minerals we cannot exist at all. In principle, each individual mineral also has a different effect, which, however, can also contribute to the same physical processes. Minerals are actively involved in our metabolism, they support the transport of oxygen and are also involved in the mineralisation of teeth and bones.

Most athletes suffer from a lack of calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and also zinc. The risk groups include people who eat an unbalanced diet or who deliberately have to maintain a low weight.

Calcium is one of the most important minerals, which is why a sufficient supply must be ensured as early as childhood. It is mainly involved in building our bones and also our teeth, as well as for blood coagulation. Calcium also supports the regulation of muscle contractions, as the contraction can only take place when the muscle cells are supplied with calcium ions. This mineral makes up two percent of our body mass, with almost everything in our teeth and bones. Only one percent of this is present in the body fluid. If there is a deficiency, our organism accesses the reserves present in the bones. In Germany alone, around seven million people are affected by calcium deficiency. The recommended dose of this important mineral is 1000 milligrams, in competitive athletes the need is twice as high. But children and the elderly also have a higher need. Good sources of calcium are dairy products, pulses and broccoli. Athletes can therefore prepare their vitamin water with mineral water containing calcium, as some varieties even contain 400 milligrams per litre.

Potassium is present in many foods. However, this mineral is particularly necessary for athletes and especially for runners. Our organism depends on potassium to build muscle glycogen. A deficiency leads to general exhaustion as well as muscle weakness. According to the German Society for Nutrition, 2000 milligrams are sufficient to cover daily needs in normal cases. Due to the greater loss of sweat and higher muscle contractions, the dose is somewhat higher in athletes. Relatively large amounts of this mineral are contained in vegetable foods, i.e. in vegetables, seeds, nuts and fruit. The drinking water for athletes can therefore be enriched with apricots, honeydew melons, plums and bananas to provide sufficient potassium. However, it should also be mentioned that potassium can only be optimally absorbed in combination with magnesium. Potassium is also present in meat, fish and cereals. Those who take care of their health and also eat mainly raw foods, in the form of fruit and vegetables, will certainly not be exposed to a deficit of this mineral if magnesium is taken care of at the same time. If there is a lack of magnesium, the intake of potassium is limited. Poor endurance performance can be the case, as well as unnecessarily long phases of regeneration. Potassium also regulates our water balance in the body in cooperation with sodium.

Magnesium is absolutely necessary for the performance of athletes, as this mineral is also involved in the supply of energy. Magnesium also plays a very important role in muscle relaxation, muscle contraction, the effect of hormones and blood circulation. A deficiency leads to painful muscle cramps, tremors, muscle hardening and also to exhaustion. Especially after marathons or hard competitions, magnesium deficiency is widespread. In particularly strenuous sports, the loss due to sweat and urine can even amount to up to three grams per week. No wonder that many athletes come back to magnesium as a dietary supplement. Magnesium citrate, for example in powder form, is particularly suitable for the preparation of special vitamin water for athletes, as it is very well absorbed by the organism and can also bind excess acids. Magnesium is also found in green vegetables, milk and wholemeal products, pulses and also in poultry and liver. Of course you can also prepare your detox drink for athletes with mineral water containing magnesium. The average daily requirement is 350 milligrams. Athletes usually take about 600 milligrams per day and in the case of competitions even more to make up for the deficit more quickly.

Sodium or common salt is present in most foods, which is why recreational athletes should not have any major problems with it. However, high temperatures and extreme physical stress can certainly lead to a deficit. Sodium is vital for us because this mineral regulates our water balance together with potassium and is also involved in the regulation of our acid-base balance. Sodium supports the absorption of water and binds it in the tissues. However, if too little salt is absorbed with the liquid, our organism is no longer able to absorb sufficient liquid for the system of vessels. Sodium deficiency occurs not only when you lose a lot of this mineral through sweating, but also when you consume large amounts of water with glucose that does not contain sodium. In this case, the required sodium ions are removed from the blood and released into the intestine for the absorption of the liquid. The salt concentration is therefore no longer sufficient if athletes drink too much low-sodium water to distribute and control the liquid optimally. If there is a deficit of sodium in the blood, the water flows into the body cells and usually causes them to swell considerably. Understandably, this also reduces the blood supply. This usually results in severe headaches, dizziness and vomiting. In the worst case, drinking too much water after exercise can even lead to death. It is therefore advisable not to drink huge amounts of water after a competition or marathon, but first to pay attention to the quality of the drink. Even isotonic drinks containing small amounts of salt can cancel out the effect of minerals if the organism is really flooded with them. Athletes should therefore prepare their drink with sodium-rich mineral water at important events and also take in glucose in addition to sodium, so that water can really be absorbed from the intestines in sufficient form. It is also advisable to pay attention to the other electrolytes, i.e. calcium, potassium and magnesium.

If you yourself are only an occasional recreational athlete, then you don't need to worry a lot about this, because you will certainly not lose litres of sweat with important vitamins and minerals during your training. In the last chapter we also give you important hints for a correct drinking behaviour especially for athletes.

However, the typical energy drinks are not necessarily advisable, as it is not yet clear to what extent these drinks can really contribute to additional energy. As a rule, these are hypertonic beverages that only unnecessarily drain fluid from our organism and therefore support dehydration during longer periods of stress. It is worthwhile for your health if you prefer your vitamin water or other mineralised drinks when exercising and do not use the energy drinks that are ready to buy.

Useful tips for drinking water properly

So far you have gained a good overview of how you can prepare all kinds of vitamin water to compensate for a possible dehydration and to bring your body back into optimal shape. Most people not only drink too little, however, but also have a completely wrong drinking behaviour, which is why we dedicate a separate chapter to this topic. Normally, many people drink only with meals, or when thirsty feelings are noticeable. But above all, the water should not necessarily be drunk at any time in order to really take full advantage of it. For example, if you do not drink much during the day, this will affect your performance during mental and physical activity. If you consume a lot of water in the evening, you should not be surprised if you have to go to the toilet several times during the night.

According to the experts, even with a slight feeling of thirst we already suffer from a fluid deficit of about two percent. Even in this case there is a restriction in terms of our ability to think, as well as in terms of endurance. A strong feeling of thirst is compared with a fluid deficiency of about six percent. Typical symptoms include weakness, fatigue and marked irritability. A water shortage of more than ten percent can have life-threatening effects. Even without exercise, we lose on average about two litres through sweat, urine, stools and breathing, which is why the intake of fluids is so important. Otherwise our body dries out properly, which can also be clearly seen in the accelerated formation of wrinkles. This is also the case if we have the wrong drinking habits and neglect water.

You can therefore prepare your flavoured water in the evening and leave it in the fridge overnight, so that you don't have to worry about it in the morning and don't lose any time. Drink a large glass of it right after getting up and take the rest to work. If you don't have to go out, put your water carafe visibly near you to be reminded of it. Please make it a habit to drink a large glass of vitamin water before each meal. The ideal time is about half an hour before dinner. This has the advantage that there really is enough water in your pancreas to neutralize the stomach acid, which is extremely acidic by the way. The typically unpleasant feeling of fullness after eating, or even the embarrassing burping can thus be excellently avoided. If you suffer from heartburn more often, you can enrich your vitamin water with sodium ions, as this is a useful home remedy against heartburn.

After eating, however, it is advisable not to drink anything more. If you also drink a lot after eating, the digestive process is hindered and the gastric juices are also extremely diluted, making the food much more difficult to decompose. It is recommended that you do not return to drinking water until about two hours after each meal. Unless, of course, you feel thirsty during this period. In principle, our organism needs a little more than two hours to digest the food properly. In order for the decomposed meals to be transported optimally through the intestines, our body depends on about eight to nine litres of water. Our body takes the water for this process from the tissue and cells. Afterwards, it must be filtered again before the vital fluid in our organism is transported back to the various organs. Our human body has to work as hard as a machine in order to perform all functions optimally. The least we can do ourselves is to ensure a healthy diet and drink plenty of water.

It is assumed that a person weighing around 50 kilograms depends on two liters of water every day. If you weigh twice as much, then of course your requirement is also correspondingly higher and is between 3.5 and 4 litres. Remember that the consumption of lemonade drinks, cola, coffee, black tea and alcohol also drains water from the body and we are therefore dependent on additional drinking. This is also one of the reasons why many countries offer a glass of water with coffee or wine.

If you consume a lot of fresh fruit in addition to your vitamin water, you can of course subtract the approximate water content from the required intake of liquids. For example, melons, oranges and grapes contain a lot of water.


Water during sports

Athletes should not only consume your vitamin water after physical activity, but also, if possible, during the respective training sessions. In this case, it is advisable to take smaller portions so that even excessive sweating does not lead to a water deficit and loss of performance. Please also remember the necessary supply of minerals in your drinking water to maintain the salt balance, so that the blood and body fluids such as lymph and cell fluids really do remain conductive. A deficit after sport is also not immediately compensated by our body. You should therefore drink it slowly and never ingest excessive amounts of water into your body.

Closing remarks

It is really incredible how important water is for our body. With the numerous recipe ideas on how to make your vitamin water really tasty and above all varied, you should now have no more excuses to drink water. It is also understandable, however, that such a real grumpy drinker has to get used to drinking water. To start with, therefore, pay attention to the appearance by creating particularly beautiful eye-catchers, as is the case with the recipe for blueberries with oranges or, of course, with the red berries with herbal ingredients.

If you start by drinking a large glass of water right after getting up and of course before each main meal, then you have already taken a very important step towards better health. It is then up to you to drink another glass between meals. Consuming two litres of water a day should not in itself be a problem at all. You can also choose a particularly beautiful half-litre glass for your flavoured drinking water, because this also allows you to control your consumption much better. One glass before breakfast and one before lunch, then you already get a liter of water. If you then have a glass in the afternoon and one before dinner, then the daily workload is already fulfilled. It would be ideal if you also planned a glass of water in the morning and another glass in the afternoon, even if these are only small quantities.

You will be amazed at how your body reacts to the unfamiliar water supply after just a few days. Water helps to increase our immune system and physical and mental performance, to eat healthier, it regulates body temperature, contributes to fat reduction and calorie burning and also solves the usual digestive problems. Since drinking plenty of water can also prevent cell damage, it also helps against wrinkles, as it makes the skin firmer and smoother. If you try a detox treatment with vitamin water, then you will surely notice that coffee and cigarettes do not taste as good as originally assumed. Even without fruits and herbs, water helps to transport the harmful gases from our lungs, which contributes to better oxygen transport. By the way, water shortage can also be one of the Reasons for sexual weakness and high blood pressure. So please do not let it come to a water shortage first, because with these recipes for flavoured water you will definitely feel fit and healthy again once your organism has gotten used to it.