The Heart Of Time

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Šrift:Väiksem АаSuurem Aa

Once his amethyst eyes opened again, they glittered with secrets that were only his to know.


Kyou was lost in thought about how to handle Kyoko, now that he had her where he wanted her. He was abruptly interrupted, hearing pounding on the door. Blinking a couple of times, he suppressed the urge to roll his golden eyes, knowing that it could only be Toya. Kyou gave the door a glare, just as it opened without invitation.

Toya walked straight in, instantly seeking out his target, and spotted Kyou reclining on the sofa. "What the hell is going on with Kyoko?" he got straight to the point.

Kyou's eyes darted to Toya, but his face showed no interest in the question.

Toya knew Kyou's moods better than anyone, and he knew he would not have even looked at him if he hadn’t already hit a nerve. Reading Kyou was a science to him. Even the blink of an eye meant something when it came from Kyou. Toya moved to take a seat across from him in an overstuffed chair.

"Come on, I’m not stupid. If you want me to protect her, you need to tell me why. After all, the rest of us are on their own, so why is she any different?" He spat, as if disgusted with the thought. "She’s only a weak human girl.”

Toya grasped the clawed hand, which he suddenly found clasped around his throat, and looked into the very angry face of Kyou.

"You will do as I say," Kyou’s voice shook with rage.

Toya's eyes narrowed. Now he knew something was up. "Fine." he hissed, and was rewarded with his release. He watched Kyou's rage disappear instantly as he returned to his former place across from him, his cold mask falling back down like a shield he hid behind. Toya shook his head. "You need to tell me why she is so important to ‘you’." He put emphasis on the last word.

Kyou agreed somewhat. He had raised Toya since the day he was born. He had known his brother was near, the same moment Toya had drawn breath in this world and he had stolen him away from parents who would not have understood him. It was the same as with his other siblings, though for a while, Kyou had chosen to watch over them from a distance.

He’d hoped to make Toya's personality different somehow, but it seemed it had followed him to this life, no matter what Kyou had done to try to change it. Bottom line was Toya was still Toya, no matter what life he led. He thought that maybe meeting Kyoko would have provoked memories of the past, but his sibling showed no signs so far, just interest. Kyou's eyes narrowed with the thought.

"You feel nothing for her?” he asked in a tone that made Toya wince.

"Am I supposed to?" Toya shot back, knowing he did indeed feel something for her, but wasn’t about to admit it. Folding his arms in front of him, he appeared annoyed as always, unaware of the silver that danced in his golden eyes.

"Yes," came the cold reply.

"Damn it! What makes her so special to us?" Toya threw his hands up in exasperation.

Kyou's gaze challenged his, "She is the one we have been waiting on."

Toya's eyes widened. As far back as he could remember, Kyou had told him they had to prepare for the one who carried the Guardian Heart Crystal within them. Surely, he wasn’t referring to that… why would such a powerful crystal be inside such a weak girl? He had been expecting a warrior of some kind… not a simple girl.

“She is the reason you have gathered all of them?” His eyebrows rose in question.

Kyou had always refrained from telling Toya about his past, but he had warned him about his future. "You must protect her at all costs."

The room was silent as Toya’s brain went into a whirlwind of thought. Lately, he’d begun to feel the increase in demonic vibes in the area, as if more were being born, and the evil side was getting stronger.

"So, she is the one. What else do I need to know?" He almost felt relief knowing this was why his brother took such an interest in Kyoko, but at the moment he would not dig deeper into those feelings that hinted at jealousy.

Kyou had hidden the truth for so long, he was not sure he was ready to share the memories. The thought of Toya's closeness to Kyoko in the past didn't help matters. Maybe some things were best forgotten. The two had been inseparable at times. "You were reborn to protect her and I have lived over a thousand years waiting on her. For now… that’s all you need to know."

Toya snorted softly then chuckled in a slightly sinister way. “That’s all I need to know huh?” He ran his fingers through his long hair feeling an overwhelming need to vent some hidden anger even he wasn’t aware of. “Is that why you look at her with heat in your eyes? You say we were close… are you actually jealous of something that supposedly happened a long time ago with a girl that probably wouldn’t look at you sideways?” Toya glared… his eyes now molten silver.

Kyou nearly snarled at Toya’s guess. There were times the boy’s perceptiveness was uncanny.

“Do not cross my line of patience Toya. Crystal or no, I will not tolerate your accusations or delusions of grandeur where the priestess is concerned. You have been assigned to protect her… I care not whether you enjoy it. Your temper will be held in check and you will refrain from making any advances upon her person. Is that clear?” his eyes were now deadly as they focused on his younger brother.

Icicles could have been hanging on Kyou’s words, and Toya could tell the conversation was finished, for now at least. He rose and left the room without a backward glance or another word. Once outside his brother’s apartment he stopped, facing Kyoko’s door. He could feel her within the confines of the rooms in front of him.

He raised his hand to knock, wanting to be with her but knowing he didn’t have a reason at the moment. He shoved his hand deep within his pocket and turned to continue down the hall.

Had anyone else been in the hall they would have seen a shimmering outline of silver wings as they appeared across Toya’s back before disappearing unnoticed by the now silver-eyed guardian.

Chapter 5 "Growled Warning”

Kyoko picked up a rubber band from the vanity and pulled some of her unruly auburn hair back into a pony tail, leaving the back in a short bouncy layer and a long layer to flow free down her back. She leaned in close to apply just a touch of blush then stood up, walked to the full-length mirror, and turned around examining herself. Suki had talked her into wearing some of her clothes and Kyoko felt different.

The black mini skirt flared out as she turned, showing off shapely legs due to all the workouts she exposed herself to. The tight pink shirt had black lace all the way down the back, and in the front a black lace ‘V’ shape went almost to her breasts. Kyoko shook her head at the exposed cleavage.

It made her wonder if Suki wasn’t the one chasing after Shinbe just as much as he was chasing her. Picking up her cross earrings, she wondered why she had agreed to look like a wild child. She was startled out of her musings when someone knocked timidly on her door.

Opening the door while still fastening her earring, Kyoko beamed, feeling better seeing Suki was dressed wilder than she was. "Oh Suki, you are gonna knock them dead tonight," she said as she looked her friend up and down.

Suki was wearing tight leather pants and a blue sheer top with long flowing sleeves, showing off her figure. Kyoko shook her head, thinking how many times Shinbe would get slapped tonight.

"You’re just asking for Shinbe to act up aren’t you?" she cocked an eyebrow at her friend with laughter shining in her emerald eyes.

Suki was looking Kyoko over, nodding in satisfaction, "Yep, I have a feeling tonight might be the last of the fun for a while. I caught the rumor from Shinbe that starting Monday we are going to have to start training harder than ever." Her eyes lit up, "But for tonight, let’s cut loose. You are going to love this place we are going to. It’s huge and the band tonight is going to rock."

Suki glanced around Kyoko's rooms, her eyes widening. "Wow! I have never been up here," her gaze darted back to Kyoko's. "No one was ever allowed up here except Toya. Do you realize only him, you, and Kyou are on this floor?" She’d been so nervous about coming up to this floor that she had asked Toya's permission before coming up to Kyoko's room.

Kyoko knew Kyou must have wanted her where he and Toya could better watch her. Remembering all he said, she knew he was right about Suki and her being friends in the past, because for some reason she felt like she had known her for a long time.

She swallowed the sudden lump in her throat, "Maybe all the other rooms were taken, I don’t know." She headed for the door, "But I do know I want to have fun tonight because you are right, it’s probably the last of the fun for a while."

Her hand on the doorknob froze and she frowned, 'somebody was out there.' She felt a chill crawl up her back at the knowledge.

Kyoko slowly opened the door and peered out into the hallway. Not seeing anyone, she opened it the rest of the way and Suki followed her out. She turned and locked the door behind her, and then quickly swung around to look at Suki when she heard a startled, "yelp" come from her friend. There, standing in his doorway was Kyou watching her… and he did not look pleased.

Kyou took one look at Kyoko and felt his anger rise. He shifted his eyes to Suki, annoyance clearly evident on his face.

"Leave us," he demanded in a dangerously cold voice.


Suki gave Kyoko an apologetic look, but quickly did as she was told, knowing better than to hesitate. She for one did not want to be on Kyou’s bad side, and besides that, the man gave her the creeps. She had been aware since first meeting him that he was a very powerful immortal, and not one to be crossed. She was glad he was on their side and not an enemy.

Kyoko crossed her arms in front of her, disappointed as she watched Suki hurry out of sight. She turned back to find herself now under Kyou’s attention, and at the moment he did not look happy. She cocked one eyebrow at him waiting. When he just stood there boring a hole in her with angry golden eyes, she felt her temper start to spike. 'Damn him and those piercing eyes of his.’

"What did I do?" she finally asked, giving up on waiting on him to tell her.

Kyou had been annoyed when he had felt Suki's presence on this floor. Then when he watched them leave her room dressed like that, he knew it was not wise to let Kyoko leave. Not only was she in danger from the enemy, she would also be in danger from any guardian, demon, or human wanting to mate with her. Kyou saw red at the mere thought,

"No one is ever to come to this floor without my permission except you and Toya, understood?" his voice sounded like he was scolding her.

Kyoko bristled but quickly reminded herself that this is his building so it’s his rules. "I’m sorry. I didn’t know," she told him honestly. Feeling her own anger subsiding, she clasped her fingers in front of her. She was starting to fidget because he really didn’t look any happier now that she had apologized.

Kyou took a step closer to Kyoko. Staring down at her, he found he could almost see down her shirt. "I was not told you had plans tonight," he felt her mood darken at his words and her eyes flashed a little brighter, but he did not care. If he was to protect her, he had to know what she was up to. He knew how the girls at the college acted, but he could smell Kyoko was still unmated, different from the others… innocent.

Kyoko gnawed on her bottom lip, wondering if she was going to have to tell him her every move. "I didn’t know I had to tell you if I was going out," she tried to keep her voice calm, but knew she had to stand her ground with him in order to have some freedom.

"I’m going out with Suki and Shinbe tonight," she said the words firmly, hoping he would not try to stop her.

Kyou took a step closer, only for her to take a step back from him so she wouldn’t have to look up at him. He smirked inwardly as he took another step forward. He literally backed her up against the wall, surrounding himself with her scent.

"Dressed like that?" his voice sounded angry.

Kyoko's eyes widened now that he was only inches from her, and she was looking up at him. He was so tall. What had he said? Her eyes snapped a little sharper. Dressed like…?

"What’s wrong with the way I’m dressed?" she shrank back against the wall when he lowered his face next to her ear. She could feel his warm breath on her neck.

"Are you looking for a mate?" he whispered dangerously against her ear.

Kyoko was suddenly afraid of the guardian standing in front of her. The words he’d uttered would have sent her into a rage under ordinary circumstances, but now they just made her want to find a nice dark corner to hide in. If a pin had dropped, it would have sounded like thunder in the silence. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard another voice so close to them.

"Kyoko, are you ready?" Toya leaned against the wall watching them. He could smell Kyoko's fear from ten feet away. He gave Kyou a scowl as he watched Kyoko duck under his arm and walk quickly toward him.

Kyou straightened back up, once again appearing indifferent as he watched Toya step between him and Kyoko, hiding her from his sight.

Now where have I seen this before, he thought with annoyance then stated coldly. "If she is going, you are not to leave her side." The muscle in his jaw flexed as he gritted his teeth, not liking the fact that Toya was seeing her dressed so scantily.

Toya could tell Kyou was serious, and the look in his eyes almost gave him cold chills. "I already know this," he snapped then turned and took Kyoko's hand in his, "Come on." He requested softly.

Kyoko wasn’t going to argue with that, and didn’t mind the fact that Toya was practically propelling her in front of him. ‘The faster the better,’ she thought. At the moment she wanted nothing better than to hurry, now that she was completely wigged-out, she practically flew down the steps.

Toya let go of her hand as soon as he knew they were out of Kyou’s eyesight. He watched as she sped up, a frown creasing his brow. He had picked up what Kyou had said to her. He being a guardian, his hearing was excellent. He had gone to find Kyoko when Suki had practically flown down the stairs, almost knocking him down in the process.

It angered him at the words he had heard Kyou whisper into Kyoko’s ear, and it was all he could do to pretend he had not heard it. He never had thoughts of hurting Kyou but… the thought of Kyou saying such things to Kyoko brought out the worst in him. She’d done nothing to deserve that kind of treatment.

Toya tried to push down the bad feeling he had as they met up with the others.


As they entered the club, Suki noticed that Kyoko was still being unusually quiet and she finally got up the nerve to ask, "What was that all about with Kyou anyway?"

"Nothing really,” Kyoko answered not really wanting to talk about it, and then she remembered what else he’d said, "He did say that from now on, no one is allowed on that floor except me and Toya." She shrugged sadly then noticed Toya was still watching her.

She wondered if he’d heard what Kyou had said, then blushed and quickly looked away not really wanting to know the answer to that question. This was probably her last night of freedom, so she cleared her mind and looked around intending to enjoy herself one way or the other.

Suki's eyes widened when she felt arms go around her from behind and pull her against a strong body. Twisting her neck so she could see, her gaze connected with amethyst ones.

Shinbe dipped his head down to her neck, snuggling against her, grinning. "Come dance with me,” He beckoned in a seductive voice.

“But we just got here,” Suki tried to pull away halfheartedly.

“I know,” Shinbe winked at Kyoko. “I wanted to grab you up before anyone else could.” He deliberately slid his hand seductively across her belly before turning her in his arms to face him. Giving Kyoko a mischievous look he stated, “She might be back.”

Suki nodded, trying to hide the red that instantly splashed across her cheeks. Shinbe led her off to the dance floor, leaving Kyoko and Toya standing there.

Kyoko knew her nerves couldn’t take much more and she took off to the bar thinking a drink would loosen her up some. She didn’t even look to see if Toya followed. She knew he had been ordered to watch her. It wasn’t as if they were on a date. She almost felt sorry for him.

She turned her attention to the guy behind the bar saying with a shrug of her shoulders, "Whatever the special is." she smiled and he nodded. She laid a twenty down on the bar. She hadn’t a clue what to order; seeing as how this was the first time she had ever been in a bar. She pretended like she had done it a thousand times because she’d witnessed it that many times through movies and TV… she only hoped no one would notice her nervousness.

Toya came to stand beside Kyoko after noticing the bartender kept watching her while he made her drink. He caught the guy’s gaze and growled, warning him to back off. Toya could feel more eyes on Kyoko other than the bartender’s, and he didn’t like it.

Kyoko turned around when her drink was ready and tried to smile at the bartender again as she thanked him, but he wouldn’t meet her eyes. 'Well, that’s strange,' she thought, but hearing someone say her name, she glanced over her shoulder and saw Kamui coming. She smiled at him, then took a swallow of her drink, and almost choked on the strong burning flavor.

Kamui watched her set the drink back on the bar almost spilling it. He grinned as she caught her breath, gasping. "You have to watch out Kyoko, the drinks here are strong." He frowned at the bartender disapprovingly, and then smiled when she seemed to be able to breathe again.

"No kidding,” Kyoko wheezed, wiping a tear from her eye. "That drink is mainlining to kill, geez," she groaned, blinking.

Toya nodded to Kamui as if giving him permission to talk to Kyoko. His gaze wandered the room noticing guardian and human weren’t the only inhabitants within the flickering lights of the club. His lips thinned feeling demons hidden within the shadows.

Kamui watched Kyoko smile at Shinbe and Suki as she watched them dance. When the lights flickered from red to green then blue… the electric blue tint seemed to surround her for an instant, causing Kamui’s vision to tunnel and another image surfaced.

Within his mind's eye, he could see Kyoko running from a huge demon. As his sight skimmed the area, he could tell the field she was in dropped off at a massive cliff. He screamed her name in warning but as she turned to look for him… she never saw the dangerous edge of the cliff as she took the next lethal step.

Kamui could feel the adrenalin rush through him as his wings sprang from his back with a shower of colorful sparkles. As he flew over the demon, he shot an angry life force blast that disintegrated the demon on impact. Pulling his wings inward, he let his body dive off the cliff in a headlong rush to reach her.

Just as the ground was coming up at an alarming rate of speed, he grabbed Kyoko, releasing his wings and floating safely to the ground. When her emerald eyes connected with his Kamui asked, “You just wanted me to save you… didn’t you?”

Coming out of the light trance, he knew that couldn’t have been just a daydream… somehow, somewhere, it had really happened. His eyes focused on her and he wanted to once again feel her in his arms just like he had in the strange memory.

Kamui reached out and grabbed her hand, "Come on Kyoko. Dance with me." The moment his hand touched hers, he felt his heart swell with some unknown feeling. Glittering dust of every color leapt into his bright eyes.

She nodded, loving the song that was playing and already feeling the beat of it making her want to move. They headed straight for Suki and Shinbe out on the crowded dance floor.

Toya turned back just in time to see Kamui pull Kyoko toward the dance floor and frowned. Running his fingers through his wayward bangs he leaned back against the bar, fighting the feeling he had to simply take Kyoko and hide her from the world.

“At least it’s not a slow song.” he grumbled under his breath then gritted his teeth not believing those words had slipped out.

Suki and Shinbe were having a great time when Kamui and Kyoko joined them. The guys were facing the girls in a fast dance. Kyoko hadn’t had this much fun in a long time. Three songs later, she and Suki were ready for a break. As they headed off the dance floor, a slow song started.

Someone grabbed Kyoko from behind, whispering in her ear, "My turn," and swung her around into his arms, away from the others, and back onto the dance floor.

Kyoko came face to face with Kotaro and smiled as she felt the light rush of cool air sweep across her heated face. She knew for some reason he was the cause of the breeze.

"Hi, I didn’t know you were coming tonight," her voice was still breathless from dancing so many songs in a row.

Kotaro watched Kyoko's face flush, thinking she was the most beautiful girl in the world. "I wasn’t going to come until I heard you were coming with Suki," he pulled her close to his body. He had purposely waited on a slow song for just this reason.

Kyoko didn’t mind as she relaxed against him, enjoying the slower movements. It was a nice change from the faster beat she had danced with the others. Kotaro was a very good dancer and his arms were strong.

She glanced up at him understanding he was a guardian, just like the others. She could feel it and knew he would never hurt her.

"So, I understand we will be in class together, right?" she asked, just making sure.


"Yes, we’ll spend most of the mornings together," his voice lowered to make sure no one could hear except her. "Kyoko, how much do you know about why we are really here?" he pulled her even closer to him.

He hadn’t needed to ask Kyou questions about Kyoko’s presence. Deep inside he knew why she was there and the bits and pieces of memories that began flashing through his psyche was all the information he would ever need.

Kyoko could feel his strong muscles flex underneath his purple shirt. "I know you’re a guardian, if that’s what you are asking." She smiled at him, raising her eyebrows slightly, "Why don’t you tell me a little about what you know?"

Kotaro inhaled deeply, "You smell good Kyoko." He whispered, his ice blue eyes never leaving her face. "I know that you are very powerful. I sense that power deep within you." His gaze darted around them, "I think others can sense it too.”

“You know the difference between guardians and demons, right? Though sometimes we appear the same… one is very evil, while the other is your shield against such evil. Can you feel them watching us?" He watched her eyes sharpen as she glanced around, and then felt her stiffen in acknowledgment.

"I think you’re right, Kotaro. I can feel them,” Kyoko laid her cheek against his chest, looking to the right of them. She noticed most of the bad vibes were coming from that side of the room. "They are watching us. I can't tell which ones, but I can feel it," her voice held a hint of wonder.

Kotaro’s arm tightened around her, born of his protective instincts for her. "Yeah, they’re watching you, Kyoko. But as long as I’m here, they shouldn’t cause a problem," he leaned back just enough to lock eyes with her emerald ones. "We make a pretty good team and that’s a good sign," he leaned down quickly and brushed his lips across her forehead. "I think I will keep you," he said matter-of-factly.

Kyoko's lips parted. For some reason, she felt like she’d heard Kotaro say those exact words before… in some other place… some other time. She gazed at him curiously as they swayed to the soft music.

The song ended and Kotaro gave her one last twirl before reluctantly leading her back to where she’d left her drink. He knew she still didn’t realize the danger she was in but that was all right for now. With all of them there to protect her, she could stay naive for a while longer.

Seeing that Suki and Shinbe were watching her as they picked at and played with each other, Kyoko smiled knowing it often ended in Shinbe being slapped. ‘They make a good couple,’ Kyoko thought to herself as she reached for her drink, taking a small sip, this time keeping in mind that she didn’t want to choke again.

Kotaro whispered something to Shinbe and she watched his eyes drift over to the right side of the room. Kyoko was starting to think coming here was a bad idea. She looked around for Toya but didn’t see him anywhere and frowned suddenly feeling unprotected… though she wasn’t sure why.

Suki linked arms with her. "What’s going on Kyoko?" she asked worriedly as she watched Kotaro say something to Shinbe, and then disappear into the crowd.

Kyoko smiled as Shinbe came and put an arm around both of them. "Now girls, don’t go worrying your pretty heads. Kotaro and Toya are just taking the trash out," he grinned as both his hands began to lower down the girls’ backs, getting closer to their target.

Smack! In unison, both Kyoko and Suki left a handprint on each cheek. Suki's temper flared and Kyoko gave in to the need to giggle as Shinbe sighed, a glazed look in his amethyst eyes.

“Ah… love at its finest,” he said with awe in his voice.


Toya was not in a good mood. His gaze scanned the room feeling the shift in good and evil. A stream of curses could be heard by anyone standing close enough to hear him as his sight fell on Kyoko. There she was dancing with Kotaro, and she didn’t even know there was danger closing in on her.

He scowled, his irises simmering to molten silver as he noticed Kotaro was practically devouring her with his arms.

Toya didn’t know where to start, either drag Kotaro off Kyoko, or start with the demons that seemed to be closing in on her. "Damn it!" He started across the room toward the evil knowing what had to be done. The silver guardian cracked his knuckles, letting his nails grow longer and sharper as his eyes flashed pure silver.


Dark haunted eyes watched Toya cross the room, heading toward the low level demons he had placed there as a distraction. He nodded slightly, sending a signal for the distraction to continue. The corners of his lips hinted in the ghost of a smile as he watched Toya follow his minion out into the parking lot and away from Kyoko.

His gaze drifted back to the priestess as he watched the aura shine from her. He could see the light of the Guardian Heart Crystal within her innocent soul. His own immortal power was hidden deep inside his human façade. He smirked knowing the guardians would not detect him.

After a few minutes, he watched Kotaro follow Toya out of the building, and the two girls were left alone with Shinbe. He moved closer, testing to see if his newfound spell was working to conceal his evil aura within him. When he noticed he was not detected, Hyakuhei stood beside them and ordered a drink, watching her.


Toya glared at the five weak demons as they surrounded him. He’d followed two demons outside, only to realize he had walked into a trap as they turned on him. Their appearance was very human had it not been for the giveaway of their black eyes. He sneered as they stalked him, trying to back him up against a brick wall.

The first demon that attacked received a large gash across his shoulder for his trouble, causing the injured fiend to fall back behind his wicked comrades. Toya darted closer to the shadows, trying to draw them out of sight. The last thing they needed was a human audience. Kyou had taught him a long time ago to keep away from human eyes while fighting. He smirked when they followed, thinking he was trying to get away.

Kotaro stepped out the door of the club, opening his senses wide. While trying to detect where Toya had gone two cold arms grabbed him from behind and something hurled itself into his side, trying to knock him off balance. With a snarl, Kotaro kicked off the demon, sending him skidding across the concrete.

Without turning, he reared his head back, coming in contact with a skull and hearing a satisfying crack. He whirled around, sweeping his leg underneath the large demon and knocking him off his feet, only to have to face another one that slithered from the shadows.

“Where the hell are they all coming from?” Kotaro growled as his ice blue eyes narrowed on his new opponent.

Toya was starting to regret his choice when every time he cleared one adversary out of the way, another seemed to appear to replace it. He was getting pissed off as he dodged and kneed the next demon in the stomach. None of them were an equal match for him, but fighting so many was starting to heat his immortal blood.

He was trying to keep his strength at a low level knowing if there were any other demons in the area, they would sense his true power if he used it. Suddenly he realized what was going on and he exploded into motion. They were trying to keep him from Kyoko! Toya's eyes began to glow untamed silver, as his guardian blood rose to the surface.

Releasing his hidden powers, one of the twin daggers slid from his wrist into his palm. With inhuman speed, Toya stabbed the closest demon through the neck, lifting him a foot into the air. He could feel the heat rush through his arm and into the dagger with explosive force. The struggling demon quickly burst into flames with an ear-piercing scream that did not last long as he turned to ashes.

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