Prophecies by Nostradamus

Loe katkendit
Märgi loetuks
Kuidas lugeda raamatut pärast ostmist
Šrift:Väiksem АаSuurem Aa

Lines 1, 2. Perhaps they are about the infidelity of Anne of Austria to King Louis XIII. Their marriage was infertile for 22 years. After the death of the king, doctors stated that he could not have children. The appearance of the heir was perceived as a miracle.

"Dogs will not bark" can be assumed as the secret of paternity will not be disclosed. Although the people sang songs about Richelieu and Mazarini, it is still not clear who was the father of Louis XIV. Apparently, everyone understood the situation, but the country needed a heir, so no scandal followed. Louis XIV was recognized as a legitimate heir, and it was suitable for everyone.

"Come from heaven," perhaps, means the name given at birth – the God-given.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.101, 10.7, 5.38.

Probable decoding of number 4.93. If 4 and 9 to swap and to flip 9 in 6, 1 to put in front, then we will get 1643 – the year of beginning the reign.

Quatrain 3.45 Rebellion of 1632

Les cinq estrangers entrez dedans le temple

Leur sang viendra la terre prophaner;

Aux Thoulouseins sera bien dure exemple

D'vn qui viendra les loix exterminer.

The five strangers entered in the temple,

Their blood will come to pollute the land:

To the Toulousans it will be a very hard example

Of one who will come to exterminate their laws.

Perhaps the Languedoc rebellion of 1632 was predicted here. King's brother Gaston of Orleans and Henri II de Montmorency tried to overthrow Cardinal Richelieu, who had almost all power. Montmorency claimed the position of constable, historically belonging to his family, but did not receive it. The rebellion was easily crushed by the royal troops. Henri Montmorency, representative of the most noble family of France, was sentenced to death by a Toulouse court. This execution shocked not only the inhabitants of Toulouse, but all the nobles of the country.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.18.

Decoding of number 3.45. The numbers rearrange – 435. If 4 to consider as 400, then 400-35=365. Turn 5 in 2, rearange – 632, 1 put in front we get 1632 – the year of execution.

Quatrain 9.18 Montmorency

Le lys Dauffois portera dans Nansi,

Iusques en Flandres Electeur de l'Empire,

Neufue obturée au grand Montmorency,

Hors lieux prouez deliure à clere peyne.

The lily of the Dauphin will reach into Nancy,

As far as Flanders the Elector of the Empire:

New confinement for the great Montmorency,

Outside proven places delivered to celebrated punishment.

A. Lepeliete gave the following decoding of this prophecy: “Louis XIII (the first French king who wore the title of Dauphin) will enter Nancy in 1633 to protect Elector Trier captived by the Spaniards. Around the same time (in 1632), the great Montmorency was accused of rebellion against his monarch and imprisoned in Toulouse. Then he will be betrayed to a soldier whose last name is Clerpan, and he will behead him in the courtyard of the prison, but not at the usual place of execution."

The last name Clerpan A. Lepeliete found in the last words of quatrain – clere peyne.

Decoding of the number 9.18. If 9 to turn over into 6, 1 to consider as 1000, then 1000-68=932. 1 put first, 9 turn over into 6, will be 1632 – the year of execution.

Quatrain 9.93[2] Defeat of the Fronde

Les ennemis du fort bien esloignez,

Par chariots conduict le bastion,

Par sur les murs de Bourges esgrongnez

Quand Hercules battra l'Haemathion.

The enemies very far from the fort,

The bastion brought by wagons:

Above the walls of Bourges crumbled,

When Haemathion beats Hercules.

In 1653, the Great Tower collapsed – one of the fortifications in Bourges. In that year, the city that was on the side of the Fronde, passed into the power of the king.

The 4 line. Haemathion Is Louis XIV. Hercules is the prince Conde the Great of Bourbon, who headed the Fronde of the princes. His goal was to overthrow Mazarin.

In 1653 Turenne defeated Conde, who fled to Spain. The wars of the Fronde ended with the victory of the royal troops.

Decoding of the number 9.93. 99 flip in 66, 6-1=5 we get 653 – the year defeat of Fronde.

Quatrain 10.101[1] Heir of toads

Quâd le fourchu sera soustenu de deux paux,

Auec six demy cors, & six sizeaux ouuers:

Le trespuissât Seigneur, heritier des crapaux,

Alors subjuguera, sous soy tout l'vniuers.

When the fork will be supported by two stakes,

With six half-bodies and six open scissors:

The very powerful Lord, heir of the toads,

Then he will subject the entire world to himself.

It is predicted that in 1660 Aemafion, whom Nostradamus called the mighty Lord, heir to toads, will say, "I will subordinate everything to myself!". The first 2 lines of the quatrain, known from 1605, represent the Latin writing of the date 1660 (MSSSSSXXXXXX). Y strengthen plug by two straight supports and get the date M (= 1000); Six crescents are six C (= 600); 6 open scissors are six X (= 60).

Louis XIV was one of the most powerful kings and ruled longer than others. With him, France reached its highest peak in science, art, commerce, industry. Her army was the strongest at that time. The luxury of the Versailles court was the envy and admiration of the rulers of the whole world.

It was impossible not to include in the book this remarkable transcript, which I found on the Internet. My contribution here is to decipher the number.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.7.

Probable decoding of number 10.101. 101-1=100. If 100 to consider as 1000-10=990 and to flip 99 in 66, then we get 660.

Quatrain 10.7 1660 year

Le grand conflit qu'on appreste à Nancy,

L'Aemathien dira tout ie soubmets,

L'Isle Britanne par vin, sel en solcy,

Hem. mi. deux Phi. long temps ne tiendra Mets.

The great conflict that they are preparing at Nancy,

The Aemathien will say I subjugate all,

The British Isle problems over wine and salt,

Hem. mi. two Phi. Metz will not be held for long.

In 1660, the capital of Lorraine, the city of Nancy, was taken.

The second line is about Louis XIV. It echoes with the fourth line of the quatrain 10.101: "I subjugate all".

The third line speaks about the English Revolution and the execution of King Charles I. This line is consonant with the 3 and 4 lines of quatrain 9.49: "Salt and wine will not go to him for future use". In 1660, the royal power of Stuart was restored in England by Charles II. The emergence of bubonic plague areas in England.

Linkage with other quatrains: 10.101.

Probable decoding of number 10.7. 700-10=690. If 1 to put at the ahead and to flip 9 in 6, then we get 1660 year.

Quatrain 4.87 The replacement of twin

Vn fils du Roy tant de langues aprins /appris/

A son aisné /ainé/ au regne different,

Son pere beau au plus beau filz /fils/ comprins,

Fera perir principe adherent.

One King's son learned many languages,

Different from his senior in the realm:

His father-in-low understood which son is greater,

He will destroy his principal adherent.

Like quatrain 4.86, this one is about Louis XIV and his twin brother. The older twin, who lived in the palace, lagged behind peers in learning, was poorly educated, barely learned to read. From the prophecy it follows that the second twin surpassed his brother in learning languages.

The twins mother, Anna of Austria, was the sister of the king of Spain. She maintained correspondence with her regal Spanish relatives. They probably knew there was a twin.

The Spanish king was the father-in-low of Louis XIV. He married his daughter in June 1660.

According to Voltaire, the king was replaced after the death of Mazarin on 9 March 1661. The next day the king, who had not given special hopes before, suddenly announced that he would rule alone, without the first minister. According to Alexander Dumas, the replacement of the twin was associated with marriage.

Decoding of the number 4.87. If you rearrange the numbers – 784, consider 7 as 700, then 700-84 = 616. Rearranging the numbers – 166 and putting 1 at the end, we get 1661.

Quatrain 8.4 Mazarin

Dedans Monech le coq sera receu,

Le Cardinal de France apparoistra

Par Logarion Romain sera deceu,

Foiblesse a l'Aigle, & force au Coq naistra.

The cock will be received into Monaco,

the Cardinal of France will appear;

He will be deceived by the Roman legation;

weakness to the eagle, strength will be born to the cock.

Mazarin (1602-1661) was a Cardinal and the first Minister of France from 1653.

The 1 line. The marriage of a niece and the representative of the Grimaldi ruling dynasty connects Cardinal with Monaco. There is a Mazarin hall in the palace in the decoration of which he took part.

Mazarin left Paris during the war with the Fronde. After the victory, he returned with a triumph in 1653. In fact, he ruled the country with a young Louis XIV.

The 4 line. This line speaks about the strengthening of France and the weakening of the Habsburgs.

Probable decoding of number 8.4. 400-8=392, if 3 to put in end, to flip 92 in 65, then we get 653 year.

Quatrain 9.84 Secret of origin

Roy exposé parfaira l'hecatombe,

Apres auoir trouué /trouve/ son origine,

Torrent ouurir de marbre & plomb la tombe

D'vn grand Romain d'enseigne Medusine.


The King exposed will complete the slaughter,

After having discovered his origin.

Torrent to open the tomb of marble and lead,

Of a great Roman with sign of Medusine.

The 1-2 lines are associated with quatrain 1.95 with the french word trouve – a foundling, who became king Louis XIV. Here says that he was the son of a priest, but not of a king. If 9 to flip into 6 in the number, then 684 or 683 may be the year when the secret of paternity was revealed. Louis XIV's theory of the divine right of kings given to them at birth fell apart like a house of cards. In 1683 the prime minister Colbert and the first wife of the king, Maria Theresa died. Maybe one of them revealed a secret?

In 1684, by order of the king, the port of Genoa was heavily bombarded by the french fleet. In 1689 the Palatinate was devastated for the second time (first – in 1674). On this territory, villages and cities, even churches, were burned, the population was completely destroyed.

The last 2 lines could not be decrypted. Sign of Medusa-Gargon was on the banners of the 2nd Roman triumvirate: Augustus, Anthony, Lipid.

Quatrain 9.38 Suppression of Huguenots

L'entree de Blaye par Rochelle & l'Anglois,

Passera outre le grand Aemathien,

Non loing d'Agen attendra le Gaulois,

Secours Narbonne deceu par entretien.

The entry at Blaye for La Rochelle and the English,

The great Macedonian will pass beyond:

Not far from Agen will wait the Gaul,

Narbonne help beguiled through conversation.

The city of Bly is located on the banks of the Gironde which has access to the Bay of Biscay. In 1689 a fortress was built to protect against Protestant supported by the British. La Rochelle was a port on the shore of the Bay of Biscay and a stronghold of Huguenots. In 1628 this fortress was taken by the army of Louis XIII despite the support of the Huguenots by 80 British ships. In 1685 Louis XIV abolished the Nantes edict, which gave Protestant freedom of religion. This led to a mass migration of Huguenots. In 1689 the Huguenots who fled from France formed the city of Nouvelle Rochelle (New Rochelle) in the North America.

In 1702 an uprising of peasant protestant broke out in the south of France. It was headed by Jean Cavalier. In 1704 he entered into negotiations with Marshal Villars. Having believed in the promises, he betrayed his movement and took the king’s side. This is predicted in the last line. All the cities listed in the quatrain are in the south of France, where the Protestant movement lasted the longest.

Probable decoding of number 9.38. If 8 to consider as 8000, 8000-39=7961, 7+1=8, then replace these numbers we get 1689 – the year when fortress was built.

Quatrain 5.97 The captive will suffocate

Le nay difforme par horreur suffoque,

Dans la cite du grand Roy habitable:

L'edit seuere des captifs reuoque,

Gresle & tonnerre Coudom inestimable.

The one born deformed suffocated in horror,

In the city where of the great King habitable:

The severe edict of the captives revoked,

Hail and thunder, Condom inestimable.

The great king is Louis XIV, who lived in Paris. The Bastille Prison is in the same city. There, the twin brother of the king died in 1703. He spent 34 years in prisons. To hide the resemblance, a mask covered his face always. There is a version that he suffocated. The king personally controlled this prisoner, paid a lot of money for his maintenance and secrecy. The masked man was kept in strict isolation and secrecy. He had only one jailer Saint-Mar always. They had moves together from one prison to another. After the death of a masked man, all his belongings were burned.

Decoding of the number 5.97. If 5 to flip into 2, to rearrange the numbers – 729, 729+1=730, rearrange 30 – 03, 1 to put in front, then we get 1703 – year of the twin's death.

Quatrain 8.5 Death of Louis XIV

Apparoistra temple luisant orne,

La lampe & cierge a Borne & Bretueil,

Pour la Lucerne le canton destorne,

Quand on verra le grand Coq au cercueil.

There will appear a shining ornate temple,

the lamp and the candle at Borne and Breteuil.

For the canton of Lucerne turned aside,

when one will see the great cock in his shroud.

Presumably, the first line is about the magnificent palace of Versailles, built by the initiative of Louis XIV.

Borne is a small town in the Netherlands, Breteuil is a town in Normandy, Lucerne is a large city in Switzerland, Canton is an administrative district of France.

The 4th line is about the death of the great king of France Louis XIV.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.93.

Probable decoding of number 8.5. 80-5=75, if 1 tk put between 75, then we get 715 – year of death.

Quatrain 3.15 The realm will change

C?ur, vigueur, gloire, le regne changera,

De tous points, contre ayant son aduersaire:

Lors France enfance par mort subiugera,

Le grand regent sera lors plus cдрузьями.

The realm will change in heart, vigor and glory,

In all points having its adversary opposed:

Then through death France an infancy will subjugate,

A great Regent will then be more contrary.

Quatrain number 15, so it is likely that the prophecy about Louis XV, who became king at the age of five in 1715, when his great great-grandfather died. This corresponds to the 3rd line.

The heart, vigor and glory characterize the reign of Louis XIV. Under him, France flourished and reached the peak of its power. After his death, everything changed for the worse. The regent and then king paid little attention to the affairs of state.

4 line. Philip of Orleans became regent under the infant king. His policy was the opposite of that of Louis XIV, who fought against England and was friends with Spain. Philip made an alliance with England and began a war with Spain. He was guided not by the interests of the country, but by his personal interests, that led to the economic crisis.

Connection with other quatrains: 6.71, 8.5, 5.49.

Possible decoding of number 3.15. If 1 to put in front and to consider as 10, then 10-3=7, we get 715 – the year of king change.

Quatrain 6.71 Cross crown sold

Quand on viendra le grand Roy parenter,

Auant qu'il ait du tout l'ame rendue:

An le verra bien tost apparenter

D'Aigles, Lions, Croix, Couronne vendue.

When they will come to give the last rites to the great King

Before he has entirely given up the ghost:

He who will come to grieve over him the least,

Through Lions, Eagles, cross crown sold.

The 1-2 lines. In 1715 surrounded by close ones, the great king of France, Louis XIV, was dying.

The 3 line. All of his many heirs died out, only a 4-year-old great-grandson remained. Due to the lack of adult heirs, the king recognized the two sons of madame de Montespan, the Duke of Maensky and Count of Toulouse, as legal heirs.

The 4 line. Contrary to his will, his nephew Philip of Orleans was appointed regent under the minor Louis XV. He entered into a union with the eternal enemies of France, Protestant England (lions on the coat of arms) and the Holy Roman Empire (eagle on the coat of arms). It was a kind of betrayal of the cross, i.e. the Catholic faith, and the crown, i.e. interests of the country.

Decoding of the number 6.71. 6-1=5 (571). Rearrangement of numbers gives 715 – the year of death.

Quatrain 5.49 Philippe of Orleans

Nul de l'Espagne mais de l'antique France,

Ne sera esleu pour le tremblant nacelle:

A l'ennemy sera faicte fiance,

Qui dans son regne sera peste cruelle.

Not from Spain but from ancient France

Will one be elected for the trembling bark,

To the enemy will a promise be made,

He who will cause a cruel plague in his realm.

The trembling bark: the great Louis XIV died in 1715, leaving the most powerful country in Europe without a ruler. His numerous heirs were extinct, and only a young grandson, the future Louis XV, remained.

The 1 line. Besides a five-year-old grandson, an adult grandson, Philip V – the King of Spain was live. As per the conditions of the Utrecht peace he renounced the claims to the French throne. Due to the lack of adult heirs Philip decided to break the treaty condition to unite the two great powers under one crown. All the major countries of Europe were against such enhancement of France and Spain, therefore the Spanish king started the war without allies and lost.

The 3 line. Philippe of Orleans, the nephew of Louis XIV became the regent of the heir. It was in France's interest to unite with Spain, however, the regent was not concerned with the interests of the country. Planning to become a king himself, he united with the enemies of France against its ally – Spain. During his regency, the country began to decline rapidly. The fall of morals was in his time.

The 4 line. In 1720 a severe plague epidemic broke out in Marseilles and several other cities in the south of the country.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.93, 5.38.

Probable decoding of number 5.49. If 5 flip in 2 and consider as 2000, 2000-49=1951 and flip 9 in 6, 6+1=7 we will get 1715 – the year of regency.

Quatrain 6.18[2] King survived

Par les phisiques le grand Roy delaisse,

Par sort non art ne l'Ebrieu est en vie:

Luy & son genre au regne haut pousse,

Grace donne a gent qui Christ enuie.

The great King abandoned by the physicians,

By fate not the Jew's art he remains alive,

He and his kindred pushed high in the realm,

Pardon given to the race which denies Christ.

The 2nd line. Despite the fact that Louis XIV had many heirs, they all died of measles. Great-grandson, Louis XV was his only heir, whom the house mistress saved at the age of two, hiding him from the doctors.

The 4th line. Baron Franz Tott (1733-1797), who knew the Turkish language, was the King's envoy to Turkey since 1769. He rendered important services for the Ottoman Empire in carrying out military reforms and modernizing the army.

Linkage with other quatrains: 5.38.

Decoding of the number 6.18. 600-81=519. If 9 to flip in 6, 6+1=7, then by swapping these numbers we get 715.

Quatrain 7.44[3] Bourbon

Alors qu'un bour fera fort bon,

Portant en soy les marques de justice,

De son sang lors portant son nomпаре

Par fuite injuste receura son supplice.

When the Bour is very kind ("Bon»),

Bearing the marks of justice,

Of his blood bearing then a long name,

Because of the escape he will be punished unfairly.

This quatrain was first published in 1605. In the first line, the addition of the words Bour and Bon (kind) gives Bourbon – the surname of the dynasty of French kings. Of these Louis XVI (1754-1793) was kind. He became a victim of the French revolution. The second line is probably about the Convention's trial of this king in 1792. The third line is about the name Louis, which was passed on to heirs (by blood) with the next number for 1000 years. The fourth line is about the unsuccessful escape of the Royal couple, which caused the execution of Louis XVI in 1793.

A. Lepeletier deciphered this quatrain.

Communication with other quatrains: 10.43.

Decoding of number 7.44. If to the first 4 add 1, It will be 754 – the year of king's birthday.

Quatrain 5.38[1] Louis XV

Ce grand monarque qu'au mort succedera,

Donnera vie illicite & lubrique:

Par nonchalance à tous concedera,

Qu'a la parfin faudra la loy Salique.

He who will succeed the great monarch on his death

Will lead an illicit and wanton life:

Through nonchalance he will give way to all,

So that in the end the Salic law will fail.

Louis XV (1710-1774) was the king of France from 1715, the great grandson of the great monarch Louis XIV, who happened to be his only heir at the age of five. He received the official nickname “beloved”, for his excessive interest in favourites.

The 2nd line. The king was famous for his depravity, had a whole harem of mistresses and minions, whom he often changed. He died of smallpox, having caught the infection from one of them.


He did not deal with the affairs of the country. In fact, Cardinal Fleury, and after him the favourites, Marquise de Pompadour and Du Barry ruled the country. In pursuit of luxury, they ravaged the country. France was in distress. Its former power was gone. She lost her main colonies: Canada and India. They became English colonies. Louis did not care much about the people's discontent. He believed, "The monarchy will last as long as we are alive, after us even the flood." The last part of the expression became "winged".

The 4th line. Salic truth is a document compiled at the end of the 5th century, which regulated the judicial system, contained a list of crimes and corresponding penalties. Louis carried out unpopular and unsuccessful judicial reforms, which neither the parliament nor lawyers wanted to obey.

Linkage with other quatrains: 4.93, 10.7

Probable decoding of number 5.38. If 1 to put before 8 and to consider as 1800, then 1800-53=1747, 47 swap 74 we get 1774 – the year of death.

Quatrain 1.5 French Revolution

Chassez seront sans faire long combat,

Par le pays seront plus fort greuez:

Bourg & Citй auront plus grand debat

Carcas, Narbonne, auront cњurs esprouvez,

They will be driven away for a long drawn out fight.

The countryside will be most grievously troubled.

Town and country will have greater struggle.

Carcassonne and Narbonne will have their hearts tried.

This fifth quatrain is the third prediction of the prophet and it is probably about the Great French Revolution. Despite the fact that he was a Frenchman, his first two predictions were about the Russian Revolution, and only the third – about the French Revolution of 1789. It can be assumed that he attached greater importance to the Russian Revolution than to the French Revolution. The phrases about the expulsion and oppression of wealthy people imply that this quatrain is about revolution. Indication of the French cities Carcassonne and Narbonne implies that this is about the revolution in France.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.14, 9.20.

Probable decoding of number 1.5. If 1 to put in end, 1 to consider as 1000, 5 to flip in 2, then 1000-21=979. 979-1=978, by swapping these number we get 789 – the year of revolution.

Quatrain 1.14 The enslaved populace, songs

De gens esclaue, chansons, chants & requestes

Captifs par Princes & Seigneur aux prisons.

A l'aduenir par idiots sans testes,

Seront receus par diuins oraisons.

From the enslaved populace, songs, chants and demands,

while princes and Lords are held captive in prisons.

These will in the future by headless idiots

be received as divine prayers.

The seizure of the prison of Bastille on July 14 (number of quatrain), 1789 is considered to be the beginning of the French Revolution. The prisoners were released from prisons. The revolution led to the transition of the country from the monarchical system to the republican one, and the proclamation of the equality of all citizens under the motto "Freedom, equality, brotherhood". Not only the enemies of the French Revolution, but also many revolutionary leaders were decapitated on guillotine. "Marseillaise" written by Rouget de Lille, became the anthem of the Revolution all over the world.

Linkage with other quatrains: 1.5, 9.20.

Decoding of the number 1.14. 1000-14=986, +1=987; by swapping these number we get 789 – year of revolution.

Quatrain 9.20* Louis XVI

De nuict viendra par la forest de Reines,

Deux pars voltorte Herne la pierre blanche,

Le moine noir en gris dedans Varennes

Esleu cap. cause tempeste, feu, sang tranche. I iiij

By night will come through the forest of 'Reines,

Two couples roundabout route Queen the white stone,

The monk king in gray in Varennes:

Elected Capet causes tempest, fire, blood, slice.

Louis XVI (1754-1793) was a king of France from 1774, grandson of Louis XV.

In the quatrain, an attempt to escape has been predicted. On the night of June 21, 1791, Louis and his family secretly left in a carriage with three bodyguards. This escape was organized by the Swedish Count Hans Axel. B Sainte-Mene postmaster Drouet recognized the king in the passing carriage. He rode after them. In Varenne, he struck the bell when he realized that the page boy was a disguised Louis. The crowd gathered. The fugitives returned to Paris under escort. The people met them in complete silence, people’s faith in the king was undermined.

Under the pressure of the revolutionary masses, Louis was forced to accept the constitution of 1791 and become a constitutional monarch. Then he began to oppose the revolution, seeking support abroad. Further events led to the fact that on September 21, 1792 the king was convicted by the Convention and guillotined: "blood, slice".

There is a saying: "history repeats itself." The similarity of the characters and destinies of two emperors: Louis XVI and Nicholas II can serve as an example of such repeatability. Both are characterized as positive people, not spoiled by power and wealth. As weaknesses their susceptibility to the influence of stronger personalities was noted. The beginning of their rule was marked by tragic events. On the day of the coronation, both arranged a free treat to the people. Because of the crush many people died in the crowd. Both of these emperors were overthrown by the revolutions and executed, and members of their families also suffered.

Linkage with other quatrains: 5.38, 1.5, 1.14.

Decoding of the number 9.20. If 1 to put in front and to consider as 1000, 9 to put in end, then 1000-209=791 – the year of escape.

Quatrain 6.23 The arrest of king

D'eƒprit de regne muniƒmes deƒcriez.

Et ƒeront peuples eƒmeus contre leur Roy,

Paix, fain¢t nouueau ƒain¢tes loix empirées,

Rapis onc fut en ƒi tres-dur arroy.

Coins depreciated by the spirit of the realm,

And people will be stirred up against their King:

New peace made, holy laws become worse,

Paris was never in so severe an array.

In the summer of 1792 the people rebelled against the king. One of the reasons was inflation – a large amount of paper money came into circulation. The rebels stormed Tuileries palace. The 10 August uprising was the 2nd revolution. Universal suffrage was proclaimed. The monarchy was deposed, the king was under house arrest. Many aristocrats, priests were arrested. The structure of power and laws has changed.

In line 4 the word Rapis is an anagram from the word Paris. Prussian troops invaded France and successfully attacked Paris.

Decoding of number 6.23. 600-32=568. 568-1=567. If 56 to flip in 29 (297), then earrangement of numbers give 792 – year of the king’s arrest.

Quatrain 4.4 The events of 1793

L'impotent prince fasche, plaines & querelles

De raps & pilles par coqs & par lybiques

Grand est par terre, par mer infinies voilles,

Seure Italie sera chassant Celtiques.

The impotent Prince angry, complaints and quarrels,

Rape and pillage, by cocks and Africans:

Great it is by land, by sea infinite sails,

Italy alone will be chasing Celtic.

The first two lines are probably about revolutionary unrest in France and the raids of Libyan pirates.

The third line about execution of Louis XVI in 1793. After this England expelled the French ambassador and blocked the French coast using its fleet.

In Italy there was a war between France and Austria in that year for control of the peninsula.

Probable decoding of number 4.4. 400-4=396. 6+1=7. By swapping these numbers we will get 793 – the year of execution.

Quatrain 5.37 The trial of Louis XVI

Trois cens seront d'vn vouloir & accord,

Que pour venir au bout de leur attainte:

Vingt mois apres tous & records,

Leur Roy trahir simulant haine fainte.

Three hundred will be of one will & accord,

That to come to the end of their attack:

Twenty months after all & records,

Their king betray simulating feigned hatred.

1-2 lines. In the final vote over King Louis XVI of France, which ended at 2 a.m., 310 people voted for the immediate death penalty. He was beheaded on January 21, 1793.

Twenty months (after the escape) – this is June 1791, when the royal family tried to flee from the revolutionary France, but was arrested on the way. This undermined the authority of the king among the people and, in the future, led to his execution.

Linkage with other quatrains: 6.23, 9.20.

Decoding of number 5.37. If 5 to flip in 2, 1 to put in front and to consider as 1000, then 1000-237=763, turning 6 we get 793 – the year of the king's execution.

Quatrain 10.43 Royal goodness

Le trop bon temps, trop de bonte royale,

Faicts & deffaicts prompt, subit, negligence.

Leger croira faux d'espouse loyale.

Luy mis a mort par sa beneuolence.

Too much good times, too much of royal goodness,

Ones made and unmade, quick, sudden, neglectful:

Lightly will he believe falsely of his loyal wife,

He put to death through his benevolence.

Probably the first two lines are about character of Louis XVI. He was an honest, kind and decent, man but not resolute and subject to someone else's influence.

For a long time he was impotent. This put his young wife in an awkward position, there were various gossips. Then the king made an operation, and his personal life get better.

The last line is about the execution of Louis XVI.

Linkage with other quatrains: 9.20, 4.4.

Decoding of the number 10.43. 1000-43=957. If 5 to flip in 2, 2+1=3, then replace these numbers we get 793 – the year of death.